
We may be facing a 1776 reset in the near future. Stay dangerous My Friend!


speaking of 1776...
one thing not talked about very much is that the founding of the 'colonies' dated to MUCH earlier. The early 1600s perhaps? When the US became a country people had been living there for almost 200 years.

I wonder what happened during that time? Was there as much changed then as there has been since?

Some changes are cancerous, and MUST be reversed, or we will die!


some things cannot be reversed.
everything dies.

I hope we are both wrong, but I agree, may be too far down! It will take blood in the streets to stop this Feces!


hopefully not.
I'm hoping for a (relatively) peaceful fragmentation. Something like the collapse of the Soviet Onion (minus the muslim terrorists)

Oh wait...we already have them. Keith Ellison comes to mind. Never mind.


I'm hoping at advancing technology will save us.

The liberals will NOT be able to let go, there will be violence, BECAUSE they feel they have the right to rule over others!


some people realize that.
so they buy guns.

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