The Dumbest Political Controversy

in #discussion6 years ago

of My Lifetime

We have two Political Parties in the United States. The Evil Party and the Stupid Cowardly Party.
Democrats (unamerican baby killers) are pure evil. Almost all of the problems that we face today are directly attributed to them. The pretty much start all the wars. They pretty much are responsible for all the interference in the governments and economies of the rest of the world .

The Democrats are pure Evil but they are not cowards. When one of their members is attacked they close ranks and support him.

The same can not be said of the Republicans. When a republican is attacked the Republican party scatters like a covey of quail. They head for the tall grass and sit and quiver in fear. Not only that but the Republicans are as stupid as a box of rocks. They currently have complete control of the Senate, the House, the Executive Branch and the Judicial...and they can NOT get anything done. They are completely worthless.

  • Democratic Party activist Christine Ford’s 36-year-old, teenage allegation against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
    Ford doesn’t know when the non-criminal incident happened, or where. She has identified one witness, who says her story is “nuts.” Ford went 36 years before mentioning the name of Brett Kavanaugh, whom, as far as we know, she has never met.

The Myth Of Unimpeachable Memory

A case of mistaken identity? related newsj........................

It’s Official: The World Has Gone Mad

Democrats' sleazy attack on Kavanaugh comes from an old playbook

69% of Americans Say They Have Lost Trust in the Media


Yes - it has become like that EdM. Have never known a public official have to defend their actions whilst a minor. Crazy times!

Posted using Partiko Android

How about we hold ALL public officials to the same standard?
HIGH (very high) standards?

Oh I don't think they would like that at all Everitt. Only Republicans need to be perfect. Democrats and bureaucrats can be flawed and human. 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

I haz a derives from the monkeysphere which leads to the Iron Law of the crazy donkeys

This is brilliant! Especially 'Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy'. Had not heard of this before - but it is spot on. From both personal experience in and out of bureaucracy.

The other problem with bureaucracy is that talented administrators are eventually promoted to a position of incompetence. At which time getting them out of that position becomes near impossible.


Posted using Partiko Android


Too bad for me though. Was about to claim it as 'SirKnight's Law of Bureaucratic Ineffectiveness.'

Posted using Partiko Android

I suspect it's been called many's as old as human nature.

I'm so sick of politics and the whining Democrats. Can't wait for November. I need to find a way to vote more than once.

Ask the democrats, I think they are really good at voting more than once, getting votes from dead people and getting votes from illegal immigrants:)

I live in a solid Democrat area. This election cycle should be interesting. in 2016 I saw Trump signs in the yards of the more humble homes. I hope it carries through to this election.

vote early, vote often, bring the whole family, alive and dead, even your pets.
it's the dhmikratic strategy for winning.

The are Evil, and they lie. That is because they are owned by the Father of all Lies; and do his bidding!

You are correct, the RINOs haven't a backbone to share between all of them! The worst wimps I have ever seen! They must be replaced by Conservatives with spines, so we can beat down the Evil and recover our Republic!

I am disgusted by the total moral vacuum coming from DC! DC does NOT represent this Nation, and has not for a LONG time! The need to be fired, and replaced by Honest people!


power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
a person might be clean before he dives into a cesspool...not while in it.
Government is a cesspool...
the only solution is dissolution.
Revert to the original intent of the constitution.

We may be facing a 1776 reset in the near future. Stay dangerous My Friend!


speaking of 1776...
one thing not talked about very much is that the founding of the 'colonies' dated to MUCH earlier. The early 1600s perhaps? When the US became a country people had been living there for almost 200 years.

I wonder what happened during that time? Was there as much changed then as there has been since?

Some changes are cancerous, and MUST be reversed, or we will die!


some things cannot be reversed.
everything dies.

I hope we are both wrong, but I agree, may be too far down! It will take blood in the streets to stop this Feces!


hopefully not.
I'm hoping for a (relatively) peaceful fragmentation. Something like the collapse of the Soviet Onion (minus the muslim terrorists)

Oh wait...we already have them. Keith Ellison comes to mind. Never mind.


I'm hoping at advancing technology will save us.

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