
do you have a link? (I'm back..took a nap)

if you have old comp it has a habit of crashing ..just 'save' regularly!

I six months old too old?
mac mini+....billions and billions of bytes of memory.

well crap. It doesn't appear to have anything for Mac.
too sad.

'hitman' is the best free one then, apparently - you have loads of power!

I'd have quite a bit more if I could get rid of all the 'bloat ware' and 'constant updates' and other trash that slows my computer down and takes up room.
I'll check out 'hitman'


I can't find 'hitman'. it keeps going to a video, not a video editor.

This seems to have very good reviews !!!

that's interesting.
seems kinda like text editors though. Kinda hard to find one just let's me write.
I've got Scrivner that I've used for several years. I paid actual money for it.
Same thing...always updating. Change formats. Bullshit like that.

now all my files are a mess. Some stuff I can access a lot of stuff I can't

"this file can not be accessed using the scrivner verions that you are using."

Hell I don't recall updating. I think they did it to me while I was sleeping.


mmmm....this might be lot more technical for you to use to use - more than you really need, if you haven't done editing before...

let me have a look see... (pesky mac users)

Unless it's rilly, rilly easy or I get rilly, rilly interested init I won't put a lot of effort into learning how to use it.
I like something that I can start using right away and learn while doing.
As far as mac...i used PC for decades..until it got so I was uploading twenty or thirty updates to the OS weakly..which broke everything I had set up previously, which I had to spend hours fixing. There at the end I couldn't do a damn thing except fix the computer.

So I went to MAC...which I hate because it's getting to be damn near as bad.
I want to USE a computer...not tinker with it endlessly...and I fricking HATE advertising.

This is a good one and it says 'no watermark' - but I got a watermark unless i 'upgraded' so I think they're lying..

marketers lie..that's what they do.

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