
There are about 33,000 in the Bible, and most are completed. There are several thousand left, which are end time prophecies. There was a specific one which covered over 2300 years which told, accurately, when the Pope would be removed by Napoleon in the 1796. This was the "grievous wound" that was to be healed. BTW that wound was healed by Mussolini in the 1930s; restoring the Papacy, as prophesy predicted.

Another one that was interesting was the one that told when Christ would be born, and was used by Herod, as an excuse to kill all the male babies to try to kill Christ himself. They were warned, by GOD, and fled. The wise men used the same information to come see the King, and brought their gifts to a manger. I like to think this was what Joseph used to finance the flight to safety, but that is the romantic in me.


how specific are they? How much is left to interpretation?

They are specific to the year. The papacy is specified by ten defining points. The start time is supported by History, and the end time is also. I thought it was off by a year initially, but I forgot to include the year zero on my calculation. My error, not the Prophecy.


to the year?
which calendar?

Egyptian, Umma (Mespotania), Pentecontad (Mespotainia), Four Seasons (Chinese), Gezer (Mespotanian),
Roman, Six Ancient (chinese), Nisga'a (Native american), Haida (native american) Inuit (eskimo) Haab (maya), Tzolk'in (maya), Tonalpohaualli (aztec) Attic (hellenic) Persian, Seleucid (babylon), Gneesis (chinese)

to mention but a few..

It does not really matter, I used our calendar, the one that we use today. You come up with the conversion reference, and we can use any yearly calendar. It makes NO DIFFERENCE.

In electronics we call this kind of variable a "Don't Care" term abbreviated as DK (to avoid confusion with DC Power), and in a calculation we ignore it entirely.

We used to call that smoke and mirrors, a year is still a year.... when is the next one gonna happen and what izit?(will it affect the stock market? should I buy or sell. which stocks?)

All of the stocks. We are told to flee the city, it is good advice. There is not much left timewise. If you are familiar with the dream of the statue in Daniel; we began at the head, and we are now in the toenails.

A lot of the stuff neither one of use seem to like too much is related to the end times. Here we are!

I know the concept amuses you, but that sadly changes nothing. If you are not there already, MOVE to the country, it will get a lot worse before things stop entirely.


what does the prophesy say...exactly?
quote it...

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