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RE: "These Idiots..."

First the post part, the posts i've seen on Steemit are civil and respectful. The reputation system helps alleviate most trolls, and things fell like a community. Maybe as things grow it will change a bit, but i think it's a welcoming place currently. I think one of the main niches for Steemit is being an open minded community, especially regarding the differences in the world. Peace


I agree. I'm not a big social media guy. I've done a little on G+, and a bit more on LinkedIn. Friends know that if my name ever showed up on fb, it is an attempt at identity theft.

This place has 2 big draws, civility being primary and then the value system being secondary. I suspect that will also draw other people of value.

I agree! The rewards and flagging system here combined with reputation have a very interesting impact on how enjoyable the conversations are.

I have gained this by philosophy … I do without being ordered what some are constrained to do by their fear of the law.

-- Attributed to Aristotle

I suspect the value of Steem is in the acknowledgement of our limited progress in this area. However it could be reworded "... fear of the Flag." LOL

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