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RE: Comparing Notes: Poetry Process

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

I can relate with using visuals though mine I never draw, I just see scenes in my mind and write them down (for my fiction writing). I try to get a sense of the emotions at play in what I'm seeing and will sometimes use music to color or extract those feels :)

Very cool idea to share notes @enternamehere and I'll keep an eye on this post for more.
Love the art and poem for "What did you say?"


From the way you described your writing process, it sounds like you have plenty of practice summoning the powers of visual imagery in your mind's eye. With time, any task can become second nature to us. Giving the subconscious a little something to chew on by listening to music in the background is something I also find useful for The Process (though silence has its worth, too).

Thanks for the support. I have only very recently begun with this poetry exploration, so you're catching all the raw flavors of a beginner. ☺

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