
I read an article yesterday about voting power. My voting power is lower than I'd like because I upvote too many posts and comments. I asked the person if it's appropriate to comment without upvoting if you're trying to give your voting power time to rise and she said that it's absolutely ok. People who comment without voting may be trying to regain their voting power as well. :)

There is nothing wrong with commenting. I was saying that people who reply to your comment then up vote their own comment without doing the same to yours is a little tacky. If you are upvoting your own comment you are not trying to regain voting power.

So, we must not vote our post and comments?

I have no problems with you self voting your own posts. You invest time in making it you should up vote it.

What I have issue with is just going through your own comments and spending all your voting power on your self generated comments rather then thanking people who commented on your posts and gave worthwhile responses before selfvoting for your comments.

Especially if you just posted a spam-like comment then self vote it.

If they add to discussion to your article I think you should upvote them regardless if they didn't upvote your own post. Sometimes they are giving feedback to improve the post so that they will up vote it once the article has been edited.

Agree @snowpea I found my voting power had gone down and was worth nothing, also started to give better comments and not upvote when knowingly the upvote is worth literally nothing.

Replying to good comments and upvoting the person leaving the comment, I agree with you @healthbasics but upvoting yourself to me is very tacky.

Switched on for a couple of days to do self-votes and always felt it just looked wrong, so off it went again. Many a good post is being passed over and those are the ones with little or no value at times, sad actually.

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