The Discord Dilemma

in #discord6 years ago

"If you aren't using Discord, you aren't using STEEM properly...." - @aggroed

Last week in Krakow the co-founder of SteemMonsters hit everyone with this bombshell. Now it comes to no surprise to many in the STEEM ecosystem that Discord plays a MAJOR role in community development.

Some would argue...It's THE best way to build relationships in STEEM.

So why do we miss this golden opportunity to build meaningful relationships with this awesome resource?

Why do we use it to spam our latest links instead of building those connections that can last a lifetime?

Today's video asks those questions and highlight the amazing potential of Discord when we use it properly...

Join me this cold winter morning in Canada, as I dive into these issues and more...I hope you enjoy the video!

Speaking of Discord, come say hi in ours ;)


Yes, we LOVE to engage with people and we reward them for taking action everyday....

▶️ DTube

Jon, you and aggroed make great points about discord. To me it's very tiring to follow up a group chat conversation, not to mention get involved in it, especially when things are heated up. Sometimes I try to make an effort. Probably not often enough in this area.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is how I feel about it too, but I finally broke down about a month ago and decided to really commit myself to using it regularly. I still don't like this way of interacting, and greatly look forward to steem Communities making it redundant. But for now, this is where the relationships are built fastest.

yeah there is way too much going on in them and hard to keep up with it all. but it’s the people that matter here. and that’s where they seem to be for the most part these days. so i get to and hang out as much as i can lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

yeah i dove in. i was not a fan at first and still find it way too active especially if you are in multiple servers. but the people you meet become family. great example of how it can be achieved is by watching the @ddaily guys. that’s a family built on steem and discord.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Haha I was driving around doing the vlog! 100% agree with what you said. The relationships we form are the key and discord is a great opportunity to reach out and engage with people! Keep up the good work my friend.

ha ha ha serious??? dude that will get you pulled over and booked here lol

thanks man. appreciate the comments.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good thoughts about Discord. I was just involved in a big discussion at a German Discord Community and use it very often. So see you there.

for sure. it’s a fantastic tool. and if people used it to communicate and it just spam links i think it would be so rewarding for everyone.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hummmm I guess I am not using it that much... Because I get to involved there and then I don't spend any time in here actually lol

Posted using Partiko Android

lol i’m new to the whole discord thing. i find it very confusing but at the same time it seems to be where everyone ‘hangs out’ in steem.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hehe i hope you also get well soon pal!

Man all of you are sick lol.
I was short enough with you together to be saved from this ^^

about discord:

it is basically a second (telegram 3rd / partiko dm 4th .... ) input stream for conversations.
If I need to focus on something it can distract me really quick and I don't get my work done.

I try to use it as less as possible but of course, there are several communities I am caring about. Also, the direct messaging function is really good for talking about things behind new projects and stuff like that.

But mostly I am a defender of transparency and participation via comments
Because this is the blockchain also about: transparency.

I also agree with you that the most people are in communities to stick their promo there
and run away.

I hope we will receive in some weeks / months a good alternative group chat possibility on the blockchain and can step by step leave this 3rd party tool. I really hope for this.

But overall I can agree with you - we should use this possbility to get to know other people, build connections, coordinate projects and so on!

Thanks for pointing this important topic out man!

Have a nice weeeeekeeeeend!



thanks for the comments man.

yeah it’s a add-on for me too. not something i rely on but something i will use in combination with healthy engagement on steem itself.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah it is fun and there are so many different channels there. Everyone is hanging in there that's why for me personally it is a little bit contraproductive cause I get to caught up talking with everyone and I find myself procrastinating instead of getting work done lol

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm guilty of this too 🙋🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️😂

Posted using Partiko Android

ha ha ha i hear you on that. i’m easily distracted and completely understand. i think it’s full potential is when you combine it with awesome comments on posts. you can really help add value to everyone’s journey.

Posted using Partiko iOS

You are right, people should take a look at other channels of discord servers, not only posting links in post-promotion channels. I even proposed a very good solution to our discord channel in @dcooperation community. The idea is to comment or upvote someone from the promotion channel and tag him and only after that they can post their links there. Some people start to do it and I'm happy about that, but not everybody is listening, it's hard to make them all do it.

But discord is really great and it played a big role in my improvement in steem. Because people usually can't explain to us everything in comments, there are a lot of things to say and a lot of questions to answer. When I started to connect with people in discord, I understand a lot of things, because there and only there people are really ready to help and spend hours explaining everything and at the same time we build strong relations there. It's almost impossible to build strong relation here in comments, but when it's private, you can really say a lot.

Thanks for the inspiration, I joined your discord channel and I will be happy if we will be in touch. ☺

for sure man. thanks for joining and yeah absolutely. discord is a tool that can be used or abused. but it’s only a small part of building those long term relationships here. thanks for the comments sir.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Loved the ending man!!

Amazing content and strong message!!

People who figured out how to use Discord to build long lasting relationships will succeed in the long term. As you mentioned Steem is people business and community building is key.

Loving your new energy and McDonald’s coffee and 5am Club.

Forget to mention @captainbob is super cool guy like yourself.

I’m excited for SteemSavvy and I’ll be promoting your project with every single my future dtube contents from next week:)

love that guy. dude is just a wealth of talent and experience. i’m learning lots watching his content.

lol yeah man. 5am club since being back from krakow. scary almost.

appreciate the love and support bro. always!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I watch the lesson about discord on steemsavvy and think I understand it, but each time I go to it, it scares me. crazy I know. but maybe in time I will get it. I wonder to myself if it is because I am not a very fast typist and don't want someone sitting there thinking is she ever going to reply. I am not giving up on it and hope I will conquer my fear. Still love steemsavvy and ty for it.

let me know when you join in and i can show you around. it’s scary at first but once you ‘get it’ it’s awesome.

Posted using Partiko iOS

thank you

Discord is great in moderation you could spend your whole day just trying to keep up with the chats. It is a great way to get to know people as long as you do not spend to much of your day there.

Posted using Partiko iOS

yeah it’s a tool. and like all tools can be used or abused.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I seem to recall us having a discussion about using Discord and getting more people to understand its potential last night . . . IN our Discord voice chat. LOL

A community is built, over time, by people interacting with others. It doesn't just magically happen and everyone joins hands and sings songs or something.

I cannot stress enough the value you can get from participating (not just lurking on the sidelines) in discussions with others. Most of my best opportunities have come from working WITH, and learning FROM, others.

Awesome stuff my friend!

absolutely man. easy to say this stuff not as easy to actually do it.

and that comes from networking and engaging each and every day.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Actually, I support the motion with the use of discord, although I use it most times I spend more than 3 hours on discord every day. I meet more people, I chat them up Even though our time zone is different yet I see offline messages. Yes. Discord is more than promoting links.

Posted using Partiko Android

for sure. and the big potential is when you build those relationships

Posted using Partiko iOS

That's the big aim for every one of us. Even though some may be restricted . Or sometimes as well discord may be misused or abused.

Posted using Partiko Android

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