As Predicted: The Pedo Elites Will Use Antarctica Mother Ship and Ruins As A DistractionsteemCreated with Sketch.

Anyone that's observing what's occurring right now knows that the Luciferian pedophiles are now finally being held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Some concrete proof that this is occurring is that in November 4,300 sealed federal indictments were issued when normally only 1,000 or so will be issued in an entire years........

More evidence that the round up is finally occurring- Trump issues state of emergency.......

The annex to the state of emergency listeing all the individuals and entities being targeted.......

As many of us have predicted they will do all they can to distract us from the fact that they are now finally being held accountable for their crimes against humanity- one of the disclosure tools they will use in this attempt to distract- which will fail- is releasing information they have regarding extra terrestrials.

This NY Post article published today reveals there is a huge anomaly under the ice in Antarctica- the article also acknowledges that 'conspiracy theorists' are saying that huge ships and ancient ruins have been found in Antarctica but that scientists think this 150 mile wide anomaly deep under the ice is a giant asteroid. I question that an asteroid such as that wouldn't essentially disintegrate on impact. The point is that I believe the 'conspiracy theories' are specifically mentioned in the article to ease people into the truth- plant the seed if you will. Furthermore the authors contends that there's no way to get that deep down into the ice- what an absurd notion- there are numerous ways in which ice can be excavated- drilling, explosives, or the method they are using- nuclear reactors generating steam and melting the ice.

As you may recall, then Secretary of State John Kerry visited Antarctica and was there on election night 2016- struck me as very odd that he would schedule this visit on the night of the US General Election considering his high ranking post in the government- it would perhaps be understandable if he were to make a trip due to some sort of diplomatic emergency but just to visit a baron wasteland continent?

And John Kerry wasn't the only well known person to recently visit Antarctica- many may recall Apollo Astronaut Buzz Aldrin also visited around the same time period and had to be medically evacuated to NZ......

I actually did some pretty in depth research that involved many FOIA requests regarding President Obama's visit to Argentina in 2016.......

One thing I found unusual about Obama's trip that not only would he take the 747 version of Air-Force One but also the 757 known as Baby Air Force One. The official story was that this was to accommodate a trip to the Patagonia region of Argentina whose airport had a runway only 7,800 long. My research convinced me that the 747 AF1 would have no problem landing or taking off on a runway of this length. FOIAs also revealed to me that showed passenger manifests on the return flight showed the Baby AF1 picking up several military passengers from Panama City- the US government doesn't have any military facilities in Panama - it is my belief that these additional passengers were actually from Antarctica and were hitching a ride back to the US.

Another very strange element to this trip to Argentina is that 1,000 US Government officials would be accompanying the President including a large NASA contingency- Really? 1,000 for Argentina? I believe they weren't there to visit or do business with Argentina- they were only using the Argentina trip as a distraction to their real destination- Antarctica to see all the discoveries that had been found in the ice...........

1000 to Argentina.JPG

Also if you scan the US MSM you'll have a hard time finding, if at all, any mention of 1,000 US Government officials accompanying the President on this trip- one would think that would be a very big deal- at what other point has such a contingency from the US made such a visit with the POTUS? Yet nary a peep out of the domestic MSM. The information in the article above is from a Buenos Aries Newspaper that most likely isn't under the same degree of control, if any, that the domestic MSM is hence the divulging of the large US contingency.

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church have recently visited Antarctica as well? Must be something VERY interesting down there!

I'm not the only one that thinks there's a lot more in Antarctica than meets the eye- these are some other great articles that go into great detail as to what's been found in Antarctica and why so many VIPs are visiting........

Steve Quayle......

Dr. Michael Salla........

In summary it is my belief that there have many many things discovered in Antarctica not merely an ancient city but also a second city as well as space craft including very large mother ship. Some of the technology discovered is hundreds of millions of years old and far more advanced than anything developed by humans here on Earth. This discovery clearly illustrates that what we have been taught about the history opf our planet and solar system is complete bunk. Humanity has a right to know the history of our planet- it is our BIRTHRIGHT and no government agency or military industrial complex criminals have the right to keep us from that true histiory. Look for this information to be released soon but be careful not to let it distract/excite you so much that it deters from holding the criminals who have subjugated humanity accountable fo0r their crimes.


Yeah, it’s even in the current Star War movie: Mother ship, Antarctica...boring

So sorry for wasting your time

OH goodness it wasn’t directed at you at all. I was just pointing out their distractions and disclosure is everywhere and we are on to them. My apology dear friend.

Oh gotcha- sorry I misunderstood- my apologies : )

Great opinion piece, @thelightreports! 100% Upvoted and Resteemed! I am enjoying your voice and blog posts and want to support this type of news circulating on Steemit. Happy New Year to You!

Sound write up! Following for sure!

Fascinating. Upvoted and followed 😀

Interesting stuff to come knowing that antartica was near to be a jungle forest and that this fucking massive hole Ive been looking for isn't on Google maps for a reason.

@titusfrost - you may find this interesting

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