Disclaimer To Vote and Follow Swappers:

in #disclaimer7 years ago (edited)

Kirin Begging
My cat Kirin begging for some chicken from me. I taught her how to shake my hand and now she just puts her paw on me when I hae food. I didn't tease her to get this shot, I gave her some. LOL, so yeah, now I'll be getting more of that for it. I notice that posts look weird without images in them in the feed, and this was the best representation I could think of for the topic. Doing the wrong thing to get what you want.
Credit: My own picture. Alterations made with Prisma app

I know I am brand spanking new to this platform, but I think it's worth having some standards going in. I see a bigger picture to this site than just making money. Money is useful when it compels people to be productive for the greater society, not when it's meant to gain for hindering the greater society. Fake ratings, for example, suppress the productivity of talented content creators to give a short term boost to spammy advertising. That's all that follow and share swapping accomplishes, fake ratings. People should be swapping looks and feedback on their content, not ratings.

You looked at mine, liked it and wanted me to look at yours? Awesome! I'll check you out. That's how you find people who share things in common and bring value to ENTERTAINMENT. You opened my page, gave me a click and don't even care about what I made? No thanks. You don't understand what creative work is if that's how you look at it.

So, that said, I made a disclaimer for the swappers that I thought I would post at the bottom of my blog posts to see if that helped to communicate my position well enough to not waste their time or maybe reconsider their tactics. I was so happy with what I wrote that I thought I'd give it it's own post. Let me know what you think. Too harsh? Edgy? Too far out of left field? Added entertainment value of it's own? All feedback is welcome:

Disclaimer to UpVote and Follow Swappers: I will not upvote or follow just because you did the same for me. What I will do is take a look at your work if you are respectful in your request for me to do so. If I like it, I'll up vote it. If I like you, I'll follow you. I only ask for the same in return. If I could, I would reject the upvotes and follows from swappers because those are insincere. Please read my work and get to know something about me that you like before you upvote or follow. The reason for this is that trading upvotes and follows without any respect for content is hacky. If you don't appreciate content, this is not a good space for you to be working in. You shouldn't be working in ANY entertainment space if you don't respect the content. Go back to scalping tickets on ebay or something. Just spare me your penny for a lie.


I'm also new to this site and i truly appreciate your insight and addressing it.

I like the disclaimer! Honest and morally upright! I wish more people here thought like that. But 'the system' I think isn't conducive to it.

Let me know what you think. Too harsh? Edgy? Too far out of left field? Added entertainment value of it's own? All feedback is welcome:

Not everyone is brave enough to ask and accept feedback. Those that are strong enough grow a little stronger in who they. They develop a deep understanding of how they are perceived and use that self awareness to appeal to the audience . Kudos to you for setting standards from the beginning, 🥂 Cheers to the journey my new friend :D

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