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RE: Take My Crushed Dreams And Snort Them Through A Rolled-Up 🅱️itcoin

in #digitalnomad6 years ago

Keep your chin up. I've decided that Steemit is toxic and unfixable. :p

I'm waiting for the next Steemit Clone to come out an do it better. Mind you, I don't think whatever that platform may be, that people won't game it just like they do here, but it can't be any worse than this place.

So why am I still here? Because I'm playing this site like it's a fuckin' MMO, and I'm the scrap dealer! :D


Can't say I disagree with you there. I've tried to give it up, but it adds a lot of social proof when I'm able to say that I have a following on here. Once that's no longer true, I'm out like clout

You can't argue with results.

Despite my pessimism, I actually think steemit will be on the rise for 18-36 months before it starts to die a slow agonizing death. But then, I'm an optimist. ;)

Lol I like how you base that on absolutely nothing.

I base that guess on throughly scientific premises.

I estimate it'll take about 18 months for my penny-ante gaming of this system to get me enough steem so my upvote is worth 2-3 cents.

I figure I'll get to enjoy the wealth & power for a few weeks before it then goes belly up.

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