My 7 Secrets to Raw Food Success: SECRET #2

in #diet7 years ago

The following is from my free ebook, which can be found here

Raw Food Success Secret #2:

Buying ‘more than enough’ of your favourite fruit will allow
you to stay stocked up at all times.


The second mistake I see a lot of newcomers make is they just don’t stock up enough on raw food.

Whenever I’m travelling to new places around the world, and staying in new hostels, hotels or apartments, the first thing I do before I even put my bags down in my room, is go to the grocery store and buy $20-$30 worth of fruit to make sure I have enough to last me at least till the next day.

Then, the next day, I load the F* up!

I know when I’m stocked up, no temptations can get to me. Being surrounded by an
abundance of fresh fruit feels too good to slip up.

But newcomers to the raw food game often don't stock up on enough on ripe fruit.

They don’t stock up enough on unripe fruit.

They don't even stock up on enough frozen food and fridge fruit.

They don't stock up on enough dried food.

And they wonder why, when hunger comes, they find themselves going for the cooked food which is clearly in sight.

Look, you’ll only eat amazing raw food if you have amazing raw food in the house.

So please for the love of Jehovah, or God or Denzel Washington, or whoever you look up to, stock up!

Unless you’re about to fly away for a week or more, you should always, and I mean always, have more than enough fruit in your house. This is the most practical tip in the whole book, take it or leave it.

There are 5 types of food you need to stay stocked up on at all times.

  1. Fresh ripe fruit. Fresh ripe fruit should make up 90%+ of all your calories.

  2. Fresh unripe fruit. Your unripe fruit will be ripe by the time you finish eating all of your ripe fruits. Your unripe fruits are like cannons just waiting to be re-loaded. Make sure
    you keep replacing them.

  3. Dried fruit. Dried food is also known as apocalyptic food, because they can be eaten at
    any time - even if armageddon comes a knockin’.

  4. Frozen fruit. Use the freezer for things like frozen berries, extremely ripe bananas, and
    super soft, ripe avocados. The avocados can be thawed out and put into sauces at a
    later time.

  5. Fridge fruit. If your ripe fruit gets too ripe, you can put them in the fridge. Your fridge is
    also great for orange juice, berries, and vegetables.

I should be able to come over to your house, eat a big meal, and not have you freaking out
about not having enough fruit.

I always make sure to buy enough fruit to feed my friends when they come over.

I buy enough in case some fruit doesn’t ripen up properly.

I buy enough so in case some tastes bad I’m not left dependant on eating it.

I buy enough for the squirrels and birds who might occasionally come by for a visit if I leave my door open in the summer time like that one time we thought we had a new pet.

And It’s not hard to do. Just go to the market or grocery store, spend some money, and bring it all back home. Do this 2-3x a week and I’m good.

You good?

*F = Fruit.

To read more, click here to get the whole book for free.


Awesome post, I really enjoyed it. I hope you appreciate the vote!

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