You've Disappointed Me!

in #diet6 years ago


A friend of mine, who I consider pretty smart, had started talking cryptocurrencies.

To which I responded (embarassingly) with a vapid, vacant, blank stare. I couldn't wrap my head around this currency. It seemed to appear out of thin air on the interwebs. How could it be valuable in the real world?

Add on top of that this blockchain idea? It's a what that does WHAT? ... I developed twisted brain syndrome.

When my brain twists, I turn to the almighty Google and I research. I also download a few podcasts on the topic.

I wanted to be able to hold a somewhat intelligent conversation on this new hot topic - and so in I dove.

During this untwisting of my brain, I stumbled upon a podcast which said - "the easiest way to get into cryptocurrency is via the Steemit platform".

And so here I the Steemit TRENDING page.


Wow! I can write some mediocre content and make $500 a post! This is AWESOME! Look at all these articles making hundreds of dollars! I've found my new income stream!

Or Not... (What no Lambo?)

This is an EXPECTATION set up by the trending page which is crushed to bits after your first post which racked up a whopping $0.02. Disappointment sets in.

Now, a great many people cut bait and run remembering the old adage, "if it looks to good to be true it probably is."

I, however, chose to stay, and continue to learn how the platform works. Along with the education, I have met a lot of very interesting, very smart people who have become friends.

Managing Expectations

Expectations are a tricky thing. Too high and you will always be disappointed. Too low and you're stuck in the grey zone of mediocrity.

Some people have the highest expectations of EVERYTHING. They are difficult to be around, as you always fall short in their eyes - no matter how hard you try. I think they call that toxic.

Some people have NO expectations. That's a hard state to achieve and if you can truly be happy with whatever comes your way then, congratulations! I think they call that enlightened.

The rest of us need to manage our expectations so we can remain in a certain state of happiness. Always striving for improvement to spur personal growth but not setting the bar too high. I think they call that being on the journey called LIFE.


Wow! She got through a whole post not mentioning health or diet!
...Or not.

One specific expectation we battle when changing our diet to focus on health is that we think everything should happen overnight. Well, guess what? You've been eating crappy food (wait? is that too harsh?) for HOW MANY years? And you want to lose 10 lbs overnight?

We expect the "Hey, I've eaten healthy for the last 10 days - that should be at least 5 lbs down" scenario, only to step on the scale to see little or no movement. That's where we have to manage our expectations.

The expectation of weight loss needs to move down the priority list. Expect better energy, better health, peace in knowing you're caring for your body, changes in the way your clothes fit (not always tied to the number on the scale), less disease, greater health and then yes...weight loss.

Set those expectations so you're always growing, always learning, always caring for your health and yourself. But not so high they are unattainable.

Manage those expectations in order to find happiness and peace with your progress down that road to health.

It is a journey not achieved in 10 days but rather a lifetime.

In Peace, Love, and Health ~ T


Images from Pixabay
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This post is part of the BuddyUp Drop in the Ocean initiative.

Many Thanks to the awesome people over at Steemit Creators' Guild especially @ravenruis for proofreading and @jrswab for running such an awesome discord.


Lovely journey through the various aspects of the power of expectations, @tamala.

Our expectations color our lives in such critical ways. They add to or decrease our happiness level, quality of forward movement and how the people we interact with respond to us.

Thanks so much for your unique share.

hehehehe we ALMOST got by without the mention of diet! LOLOLOL hehehehe

yes - managing expectations. its really crucial. It's actually very necessary. or else.... lifetime of many disappointments!

and you had me giggling throughout this one. what's your name now???? @penderis????


I loved how you linked the idea of expectation to weight loss, going from general to detail.

Did you really expect all that money from each post? Oh boy, I feel sorry for your realisation. I think people do join steemit for several reasons. Those expecting money end up leaving; whereas those who are more inclined towards social engagement or creative outlet tend to stay.

As for dietary concerns; most diets who are a means to one end will always disappoint. Weight loss is a result of a lifestyle change and not a temporary diet. For a real change there needs to be a lifelong commitment. Hence, we focus on the present and live in the present, set aside expectations and future reservations. Live healthy in the now and the results will come on their own. This was a great post :3

Great job with the post this week @tamala! I remember when I first joined, I had the exact same thoughts hahaha. It wasn't until a month later when I decided to come back (after a brief departure), that I realised the key was being consistent and building up relationships.

I knew you'd get a little health and fitness bit in there somewhere! I like how you did too, the expectation that we will shed it all or gain it all in rapid time is a myth and pretty damn stupid. Nice way to spin it and add some encouragment and realism in there at the same time!

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