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RE: No More Milk... Sadly not even Goat, Sheep or Buffalo, it seems :(

in #diet7 years ago (edited)

hi , i feel sorry for you. i thought i was not so allergic since blood was also sentt to lab. It was negative. Rule out gluten in your diet..


Yup, I'm ruling out all seeds, all milks now...

The allergy tests don't necessarily tell you anything. The antibodies in your blood, I don't believe that the doctors have fully characterised them and the mechanism of allergy, at all.

The gluten and casein (milk) allergies, I believe, are caused by irritation of the intestinal membranes, causing the villi to be worn down, and eventually, opening up holes big enough in the membrane that quite large molecules like partially decomposed peptides from these proteins, as well as other large molecules (such as tannins, glycosides, and others) that then can get into the blood.

I recommend you try what I did when I first got it severely. Identify one staple food that you can eat ok, probably you will find stuff like spinach, eggs, white fish, lettuce, are ok, and then each day, try one new addition. The allergic reactions have different onset speeds. Some allergies happen within 20 minutes, some take up to an hour or two, and others can be from 8 to 12 hours.

The delay tells you which organ is involved - short onset means its happening in your stomach or right at the top of your intestines, and 8-12 hour onset means it's in the large intestines.

I found that the melons had very short onset of allergy, but most of the rest you didn't get symptoms until the other half of the day, which makes it easy to forget what you might have eaten that caused it.

Good luck with it. These food allergies are hellish. You can never walk around a supermarket the same once you become certain that your health (and including psychiatric) misery is caused by stuff that almost everything in the supermarket has in it. When I was detoxing from alcohol, all those carbohydrates, were literally deadly poison. Even a gram of sugar triggered strongly unpleasant symptoms that persisted for about 3 hours afterwards, warning of what would happen if I'd dropped 20g or more (hyperthermic stroke and seizures, most likely).

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