Moon Diet January 2018

in #diet7 years ago

Moon Diet January 2018

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Eat balanced, colorful with as few processed foods as possible with more fruits and vegetables. And the likelihood of being healthier, leaner, more confident, feeling better in your body is great. Because the ancient sages have said "food is your medicine"
Much will be written about dieting, detoxification and weight loss after the holidays. And do you know there is something insulting in this, because that should not happen if we respect ourselves. Yes, during the holidays we gather, we spend more time on the table, every housekeeper is trying to make more things, mainly sweet or dough, and alcohol is more ... But if we eat slowly and feel the taste of every bite, we can not overdo it .

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There is another thing - the 80/20 rule. If we eat in a balanced way 80% of the time, we can allow for the remaining 20% ​​a piece of chocolate cake, a glass of mulled wine and a piece of cake ...
Man is very dependent on his habits. A habit is difficult to change, it can be replaced by another. And to create a new habit, it takes 40 days, a time of desire and effort.

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In this endeavor we have one assistant - the Moon Diet. It is rather to assume that we are subordinate to nature and to follow natural laws, to keep our body clean, to eat seasonal foods, we can call it a detoxification regime.
Following the lunar diet helps the process of draining the water from the cells, stimulates the process of lipolysis (degradation of adipose tissue in the cells).

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Moon diet is easy to observe. The main plan of this diet is from the beginning of each of the lunar phases, within 24 hours to consume only liquids - water, herbal tea, freshly prepared fresh juice, broth fresh juices, clear broths. Avoid sugar, salt, dairy drinks, solid foods. These drinks, which make up the regimen, act diuretically and thus reduce the excess water retention.

Phases of the Moon in January 2018: (+2h GMT zone)
2.01.2018 - 04:29 - full moon
9.01.2018 - 00:33 hours - last quarter
17.01.2018 - 04:18 - New Moon
25.01.2018 - 00:33 hours - first quarter
31.01.2018 - 15:27 - full moon


it is a very interesting idea ;) i could try on 31.01. ;)

thanks for sharing now i know what to be on the look out for.

This is an amazing perspective. Thank you for sharing! It helps me to re-envision my dietary situation!

pretty cool. havent thought of this before.

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