
Bulgarian prison is not as bad as you might think. For foreigners, anyway. Most of the cellmates were border jumpers. It sucked in remand being stuck with 16-18 year old algerians hopped up on caffeine every day, smoking cigarettes rolled with newspaper, from dumpers scrapped out of the exercise area (which was the size of a cell, with an open barred over roof).

The diet eventually broke me though. I went through detox while with 4 broken ribs, I don't really remember the symptoms like this time around. That's why I was so blase about the risk of death. Then I started to notice the symptoms and I went into super Science mode to isolate the cause of the symptoms - sugar, as it turned out. Yeah, then when I was finally sentenced, practically within 1 week I started getting asthma and then it went chronic for the rest of the 4 months. This same stuff recurred after 3 years mostly living on the street. Which is also why I am now quite sure that sleeping on cold hard ground was part of a proper therapy for it. Really, because the diet was worse than the prison diet. Sugar wheat, sugar, and more wheat. No antihistamine. Why no asthma then? Even in winter??!!!

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