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RE: Better Dietary Options from Canadian Study

in #diet7 years ago

I agree totally, it is sensible to eat sustainably farmed produce (meat and veg) and I think most importantly: we should eat a little less than most of us do. I think our ancestors didn't have such easy access to unlimited food supply as we do nowadays and they probably did more physical work then we do :D


Hi Lucy
When I was young, I could eat as much as I wanted and could get over 64 kg (140 lbs). However it didn't matter how much or little exercise that I had, my weight was stable. Today I live on the computer and the only exercise I get is when I jump to conclusions but I eat comparatively little - while I am overweight.
I have thought about for a number of years about things that could be responsible for our current epidemic of being over weight in addition to exercise. One thing that could be part of the problem (aside from diet) is a biological factor. It is possible there is an epidemic of a particular gut bacteria which is stimulating our urges to eat high carbohydrate food. I recognize you might think this is nonsense but there actually a bacteria that does so. In the past stomach ulcers were considered hereditary and due to stress (particularly in the office). However those ulcers have been associated with Helicobacter pylori.
A second hypothesis that I have had was that something in our diets had changed without us being aware of it. Certainly we now know that along the line they started using high fructose corn syrup in many products but as well one of the more popular vegetable oils used today is Canola. While Erucic acid has been reduced to less than 2% in Canola its expanded use in our diets brings it back up to toxic levels. It disrupts lipid metabolism so it might also be one of the factors in this epidemic.
A final hypothesis that I have is that fat molecules are used in the body to isolate toxins which our livers are unable to clear properly. We consume on a daily basis things which are toxins in our body. If our livers are unable to metabolise and excrete these toxins the body will bind and store in fat cells. Fat-soluble toxins include pesticides, preservatives, food additives, heavy metals, pollutants, plastics and other environmental chemicals.

I concede. I used to have no worries about weight when I was young and now I think I put on weight even when I breathe. I wasn't being judgemental, I just know that when I was young my mum cooked our meals from first principles while I just take the easy route and buy either ready meals or take aways which really is something I need to change. I also eat more when I am stressed, something that wasn't around when I was younger.

Hi Lucy - I apologize but I am pretty much a robot... my personality type is an INTJ. I take my joy from exploring things with others. What I say could be totally wrong and I actually like being corrected.

I sympathize with eating while stressed. Your body tells you that it needs something but your mind can't identify what it is that you lack so sends you down the food route. Lately I have started drinking large glasses of water. I imagine when you were younger and felt distress, your mother would sit you on her lap and rub your back or hug you while reading a story. Consider the physiological aspects of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. My personal feelings are that grooming behaviour (or human touch) is one of those needs.

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