I tried 5 diets to loose weight, and I finally found one that works!

in #diet7 years ago

Hi all Steemians!
I have started to get very stressed about loosing weight recently! I used to be in a super good shape before and many people even looked up to me and asked for advice !
Now, 40 kilos later, they only ask me what my favorite beer is. Yea, it is my Achilles heel, along with recent bad food choices and a lot of stress. I have spent the last two years starting up a company here in China and it has taken its toll.
But recently I have made some adjustments, and stepped down from the role as a CEO to focus on sourcing and product development and this has allowed me to focus more on my health and I finally found the one diet that works for me. Below are 5 diets I have tried and only one works for me !
So here we go:
Diet 1 - "The Chopstick Diet! "Use chopsticks and most of your food will drop on the floor and also it will take forever to finish the whole meal, most times you will end up giving up before you finish the meal and thus you eat smaller portions! This only works if you are a newbie with chopsticks, so this diet doesn't work for me anymore!
Diet 2 - " Run Forrest Run" Exercise hardcore and burn fat! used to work for me, but nowadays I always end up being more hungry after workout and I have a more intense need for snacks and beer, so I eat more and still gain weight. Diet 2 is not working for me!
Diet 3 " The Einstein diet"- calculate every single calorie you eat. Sure you can download apps and log it, but I stopped already after 1 week as I got tired of the constant counting. Diet 3 is boring and a bust !
Diet 4 "Robinson Crusoe Diet" buy one kind of fruit and then throw away all the food at home. Starve yourself till you get the weight you want. Come on, we all know that skipping meals just make you end up at the closest fast food restaurant on a Saturday and you order two mega size meals with extra mayo! Diet 4 doesn't work for me.
So diet 5 ! Drumrolls...: " The Keto diet". Finally I found a diet that works for me ! You can eat as much as you want, you can even enjoy occasional glass of red wine, but you have to choose what you eat. Basically the diet is about switching from getting your energy from carbohydrates to fat! You become a fat burning machine! Already lost 7 kilos in 2 months roughly, and still I haven't been an angel, a lot of occasional cheating, but hey, we are only humans, and humans like to eat, I love to eat, now I can do it, I just remove carbohydrates and switch it for juicy meat, fresh salads, cheesy omelettes and a lot of veggies ! This diet stabilizes your bloodsugar and you don't get urgent cravings and eat more normal amount. Also my need for sugar is basically non existent, and I have more energy ! Diet 5 is the one for me!

which one is your guys favorite diet??


Keto is the best diet in the world! I have been on it for roughly a year now, and it's brilliant. I found it hard to stay on it after a few months, as I am also a vegetarian, so my choices are somewhat limited there. And as much as I love cheesy omelette, spinach and avocados, there are only so many days you want to eat that in a row.
But I started baking a lot with almond and coconut flour, there are some incredible easy recipes for cakes and bread out there.

And besides that little struggle it's really worth it for me. It helps regulate my energy levels, I don't feel weak and sleepy after eating and am more active than ever. It's good for body and brain.
I am glad it's working for you, as I hear so many negative comments about it all the time, just because the majority of the old school doctors didn't catch up, yet

Thanks a lot for your comments and I also think it will take time for people to get around ! I find it weird though that so many people do question this diet, considering the fact, that throughout the history of mankind this is the kind of diet we have been on for the majority of the time.
Really High carbohydrate food diet has only existed when we went from hunters to farmers, and that is just a spec in the timeline. I think the proof is in the cave drawings, have you ever seen a cave painting of an overweight caveman or cave woman ? I surely haven't ! ;) of course they only knew how to draw stick figures then, but you guys know what I mean :)

Keto definitely works well, but it's more of a lifestyle (like being vegetarian), not just a quick-fix diet. It doesn't change your body's underlying physiology, so it's of little surprise that when people stop eating Keto and resume carbs, the insulin-fat cycle resumes from where it left off and weight goes up.

Having said that, though, it's definitely not a fad diet where you're starving or eating only alfalfa sprouts. If you love eggs, cheeses, butter, meat, cream, cauliflower, broccoli, etc... then it's easy to stay satiated.

If you're an athlete, training while in ketosis has double benefit. You train your body to efficiently consume fat for energy, but it hasn't lost the ability to use carbs if they are present. So, during a marathon, for example, you can have a high-fat meal instead of carb-loading the night before, and also consume gatorade and gels during the run - a double whammy of energy sources.

The munchies during the first day are the worst (for me, at least). I wrote up a quickstart menu that I used as a jumpstart recently: https://steemit.com/lifestyle/@jfollas/keto-quickstart

Thanks for your excellent comment and for spreading the word! It is a restricted diet but it's the only one I ever tried that doesn't make me feel so, because I can still find good awesome tasting food to replace the carbohydrates! I checked your link I'm definitely gonna follow yours posts

Keep it up with your healthy lifestyle. It pays to live healthily.

Thanks a lot! I tried to make the post humorous, but really I have been fighting to loose weight recently and Keto is a good option and I really recommend it ! Thanks for your support

If you can switch to one meal a day ,you'll get much better result. It's hard when you start, but after two weeks it's easy. You save on money, time and weight of course.

You are welcome. Keep doing your best and I wish you well.

Try to skip lunch (if you find it difficult to change your diet 180 completely) :-)

Might be worth a try! So nothing at all for lunch ?

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