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RE: Moving Towards a Plant-Based Diet

in #diet8 years ago

You think that industrial animal farming is inhumane. Just wait until they really find out what they are doing in the industrial vegetable farming.

To note: Animals and plants have feelings. They are both hurt for the nourishment of others, but they also know the circle of life far more than humans do.

Chickens raised in a chicken tractor (A portable coop, so that they can eat real plants and bugs in an area, and then be moved to another) are far more healthy, and good for you to eat.

Tilapia raised in an aquaponics system (fish shit feeds plants, plant shit feeds fish) are a very good source of protein in an ecological balanced (and small) system.

So, it really isn't the meat that is bad, it is the farming practices.

On diet, sugars are the number one cause of most diseases.

Meats need to really only be eaten to replace broken proteins in cell development. For a normal adult, that seems to be about 8oz a week. For a man who works out (muscle building is done by breaking down the muscle) you need a lot more protein.

Vegetables are the clean up crew. They take all the excess (and broken) proteins and help remove them from the body. So arthritis is not always just the eating of meat, it is often the absence of enough vegetables.

And finally, diet. That stupid food pyramid they taught you in school? It was designed by General Mills. It is useless when it comes to anything approximating healthy. There are quite a few body types and each has its preferred diet. Such as many people do well on a paleo diet. Me, I would die if I tried to eat that diet. So, really find what works for you.

Cookies and chips, from the store, don't seem to work for anyone.


I agree re: farming practices and processed sugars being the primary culprits to poor health, and i agree with your balanced approach. This is just one experiment to cut meat where i believe i've been routinely over consuming it.

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