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RE: Create a Mobile Game with Flutter and Flame – Beginner Tutorial

in #development5 years ago

To be quite honest: when I first joined a "programming and games" in my highschool, I had the expectation we were going to be as technical and impressive as this post was. But unlike my class, this post shows me practical coding, reminds me of what to actually do as to avoid a simple fuck up from bad oversight of programming code, actually has a set (class of) functions that can be utilized and experienced on the go and a reminder that coding never truly ends even when you got a product working. And that's what kept me uncomfortably close to this post: all the details on how to code, reminders of what to do, pictures being the proof and a video at the end, even though it's quite simplistic, showing all my efforts had gone towards something which an error screen may be too vague to hint at on what to follow up on next.

If I were to be honest, I wish I had posts/tutorials like this when I started learning to program (decided to pick up on it after all this time, but for fun this time and nothing serious). Equally so, while you may not be a teacher, at least you know what to say and where we should all be generally going. In reference, which should've been provided earlier, my exposure to programming was python (and that alone has updated a whole lot by now) and other small things. Yet I became easily surprised with the introduction of coding like C#, C++ and a whole slew of other things which this post add another program to the list that I should investigate carefully whenever I got the freetime to meander about. And probably the one thing I am reminded of which still disgusts me to this day: the references to colours in anything other than the name alone. I shall never get over that even if I have still memberize the main colours of a colour wheel in their hexadecimal forms!~

So continue coding, ensure the mobile game is actually playable/shippable (if we use Valve terms for the second one) and happy steeming!
Pretty good.gif


Thanks for that ginormous essay of a reply! It could have been an article on its own. As for the colors, I had the choice of introducing named colors:, Colors.white, etc. I chose to use hex values because for named, I'll be introducing yet another import to have access to the Colors class. Ironically I did more explanation (and fell short on it) on constructing hexadecimal colors.

Hahaahaha!~ Welcome for the comment!~ ^^
Damno mango on the explanation of hexadecimal colours, 'twould be a shame not to clean it up when you can. Withal, I'll consider subbing just to keep a tab on this all and maybe find a use for it when I have more time to be series and not take this as a fun lil' hobby.

Thanks again! I'll try to be better on the next parts when it comes to explanations.

Gonna read it now, I will leave a smaller comment since I'm not feeling well. Sorry if you were expecting a big one like this one ^^' - Without any a regard, let's get crack- I mean let's get reading.

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