You will never make money preventing others from making money!

in #dev5 years ago

You all rejoiced when 50/50 + Downvote pool was enabled, but now you are all crying because as I told you before - you cannot make money by preventing others from making money.

@Booster is open for business and you all should use it instead of "fighting" your stupid battles that only make you poor, and destroy the motivation of developers and business entrepreneurs.



You all rejoiced when 50/50 + Downvote pool was enabled..

That is in fact NOT true. Some were happy, some were skeptical and some were against it. For most part people wanted to see what will happen and if the effects would be positive.
Even you yourself were for #newsteem until you realized you would have to curate instead of just sit back and collect bot payments, which you are obviously not happy with.

but now you are all crying because as I told you before..

Nope, this again is in fact not true. I see very few people crying. Those that are crying are some bot owners, and i emphasize the "some" since many have pretty much adjusted to the new system. Its just you that has a hard time accepting that the old ways are done for.
Ofc there are also the garbage posters the likes of which you can find in this comment section that are unhappy that they can no longer buy votes for their posts.

The opposite is actually true. Even though the trending page is far from perfect and the votes are skewed towards influential individuals and the trending page lacks diversity, this is still better then what we had.

you cannot make money by preventing others from making money.

Who is preventing you from making money? Go curate, you can make as much curating (or more even) now as you could have selling votes in the old system.
Its just that youre mad that the stake holders no longer want to have a trending page where you can promote your posts basically for free thus destroying the value of a trending spot, they dont want people breaking proof of brain and buying themselves a trophy, they dont want STEEM to be seen as a garbage blockchain where everything said about it is fake and a lie...

destroy the motivation of developers and business entrepreneurs.

Browsing social media i can confirm that alongside the high inflation, bots and vote selling is the prime reason people gave as to why they stay away from investing in STEEM. So yeah, id say the opposite is true, this in fact might have positive effect on developers and investors.

I suggest you stop crying and start curating, or get someone to curate for you. Bidbots will not make a comeback, you dont have the SP to take down smooth, dan, traf, acid, blocktrades, etc...

Adjust and make the $$$

What he said but more politely. xD

Geez. What has everyone against salt?

"if the salt hath lost its is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot by men."

Salt clogs your arteries.

That's not true. You cannot provide any example of arteries clogged with salt. Prove me wrong.

Even though the trending page is far from perfect and the votes are skewed towards influential individuals and the trending page lacks diversity

Back-pedal much?

Posted using Partiko Android

Bid bots and bid bot buyers killed STEEM's market value, because major players on both sides were dumping their profits from manipulating the zero-sum reward pool game for Bitcoin. Damn right it was harming everyone else, and downvotes used to remove the incentive for such behavior are good for the STEEM economy as a whole.

So, no, you didn't read my article. You haven't done the math. It's no wonder that everyone on Steemit is constantly upset about the wrong things. They don't know how anything around here actually works. :/

Posted using Partiko Android

I disagree with your analysis and conclusions.

In what way?

Posted using Partiko Android

I still love @booster all the time even i recieved lot of downvotes on my posts

Booster loves you too! And you are in luck - these days he have to buy his friends.

You can't even get facts straight. You totally make money by downvoting, the overall reward pool is not influenced by votes. You dont remove stuff from the reward pool when you downvote.

With your years of experience around here, not knowing this just proves how much of a retard you are (using the word you used against others in this thread)

I'm pretty okay with the new changes. I used to NEVER get curated lol now I'm getting a few peeps checking out my stuff more often which is nice. I can't speak for everyone's experience but thats been mine so far

so you are a fucking retard then - not understanding what economic is or how an ecosystem works.
You have been built up - do you want to be destroyed and demolished?

incredible, simple but hit the point.
I understand, why, who, how doing this.



And, of course, can't really enjoy my DRAMA without some !popcorn

In capitalism, you either adapt or perish.

"I ❤️ Steem" posts survive all HF's ... just sayin'.

Each hardfork takes this platform farther and farther from capitalism. Show me where Adam Smith and John Locke said a downvote pool was a good idea...

Posted using Partiko Android

Because capitalism Starts and Ends with those two right, anything more is ... not capitalism.

Capitalism is specific, not a loose set of general ideas. Economies can be capitalistic, mixing it with other concepts. But weighted voting and downvoting would be antithetical to the premise of an open market.

Posted using Partiko Android

But weighted voting and downvoting would be antithetical to the premise of an open market.

Reason it, why. Why would it be antithetical to the premise of an open market?

You apparently are unaware that government is the largest industry in the world, as well as being a liar.

Prey elsewhere. Plenty of soft, white economic underbellies remain for your delectation. Steem has evolved to defend itself against you.


Have you seen the light of HF21, or is this your try at dark sarcasm?

Yes. But, I'm a bitter man, so don't expect me to get all soft and lovey dovey any time soon. A curmudgeon is what I aspire to be, and telling kids to get off my lawn is my highest calling.

Because we love people boosting comments, right?

That's just many examples of your newfound QC.

I didn't rejoice about EIP, I was one of the very few who opposed it.

time to call the troops together and make some serious change or I wont ever be able to onboard investors and STEEM needs investors or we will go BUST!

If you were going to onboard investors to any significant degree you'd have done it 2-3 years ago.
You're full of hot air.

Please, post an audio rant. At least you can provide satisfactory entertainment with a raging, drunken ramble replete with ad homina, lies, and fantastic hallucinations.

I, for one, would be very likely to curate it as a high quality post.

You missed all the action on Discord!

Sadly, I have been held hostage by my hammer of late. Season has transitioned however, and presently I am the captive of mushrooms, whose siren calls lure me into their soggy domain where their spores are demanding my deposition of them thither and yon. I note with a twinge most every Friday that I have missed yet another Full Force episode of #crimgiggles.

Thanks for noticing. I miss ya'll. and Leo is for investors. Steem is for rewards pool protectors who want to help with user and investor reduction. lol

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