
Besten Dank :)

Ich habe dich noch in 5 Facebbok Steemitgruppen geteilt.
Als Bild würde ich das nächste mal als Thumbnail ein Reisebild verwenden.
Das lädt ehere ein zum draufdrücken als eine med. Aufnahme ;-)
Nur als kleiner Tipp am Rande :-)

Danke fürs Teilen und Danke für den Tipp. Ich war der Meinung der Schädel würde ebenfalls Interesse wecken. Man kann sich halt irren ;-)

Hast du ja blitzschnell umgesetzt. Cooles Motiv mit der Gefahrenstelle :-)

Hi I hope I do not mind too much because I just saw
Your profile on and I see you being the right person for me and deserving this offer. My name is LOPEZ Endrea I am of French origin but I live in Italy for 20 years because of my husband who is of Italian origin. I suffer from an illness which will lead me to death and I have a sum of 60 000 euros which I would like to make a donation to a person of trust and honesty so that it makes good use of it. I am the owner of a car accessories import company. To give a 10% share to the orphan children of his region just for the blessing of the lord after my death. I lost my husband 7 years ago, we have no children what my heart really touched and I could not remarry to this day because I love my husband too. I would make this sum a gift before my death so that my days may be counted for want of this disease to which I can not have a remedy for my illness. I would like to know later if you really want to benefit from this gift. Here is my email address: [email protected]

Please answer me.

Ich hab des Vorschaubild geändert. Besser so?

Sehr gutes Motiv. Jetzt möge der Traffic noch mit dir sein :-)

Hi I hope I do not mind too much because I just saw
Your profile on and I see you being the right person for me and deserving this offer. My name is LOPEZ Endrea I am of French origin but I live in Italy for 20 years because of my husband who is of Italian origin. I suffer from an illness which will lead me to death and I have a sum of 60 000 euros which I would like to make a donation to a person of trust and honesty so that it makes good use of it. I am the owner of a car accessories import company. To give a 10% share to the orphan children of his region just for the blessing of the lord after my death. I lost my husband 7 years ago, we have no children what my heart really touched and I could not remarry to this day because I love my husband too. I would make this sum a gift before my death so that my days may be counted for want of this disease to which I can not have a remedy for my illness. I would like to know later if you really want to benefit from this gift. Here is my email address: [email protected]

Please answer me.

Lohnt sich eigentlich das promoten von Artikeln?
Was hältst du von Überweisungen an @null ?

Habe ich versucht aber nur mit ganz kleinen Beträgen und hat sich nicht gelohnt ( größere viellecht bessser aber investiere lieber in steem direkt ) . Was sich bei dir lohnen würde wenn du englisch/ deutsch schreibst. Wäre einen Versuch wert.

Ich bin auf der Suche nach einen Übersetzter. Meine Sprachkentnisse reichen nicht aus um anspruchsvolle, gut lesbare Texte in englisch zu verfassen.

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