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RE: Opinion on Breaking News: Terrorist attack at UC Berkeley // Terrorattacke an der Universität Berkeley

in #deutsch8 years ago

Things seem to be getting out of hand now, but wait until this stuff starts happening in States where a lot of people carry guns. What's going to happen when someone gets shot for using pepper spray? I live in Kansas, we have legal open and conceal carry rights here. If you use pepper spray on a cop it's legal grounds for deadly force. What's going to happen when the shooting starts?

Personally, I'd like to see a peaceful dissolution of the union. We can all still be friends, but more like allies. There's just too many people who aren't willing to listen to anyone else. They can't be reasoned with. Why fight to keep it all together? We don't need to be the world's super power.

In fact, the world would be a much safer place if the US was instead just New York, Florida, Kansas, etc. Arms race wouldn't be needed. I really don't think Kansas would be bombing folks in Yemen... We have the technology to adopt honest money, like BTC, Dash, etc. Smaller governments would also provide smaller incentives and lower the risk/reward ration for political lobbying.

My $.02


Totally true.
I really am afraid right now, that this kind of behaviour could lead to a civil war.
As a supporter of NO government, I can support your claim that it will be very improbable that Kansas would start bombing Yemen :-)
In fact EVERY war over the last centuries started because of one group willing to impose their opinions or beliefs onto others.

Speaking for myself, I couldn´t care less if someone is Jew, Muslim, Christian or Atheist, of if he is white, yellow, red or black. As long as noone is forced into systems that imply violence, I am the most tolerant person in the world.

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