Illustrated Children's Book - "Todos somos iguales, todos somos especiales" (We are all equal, we are all special)

in #design6 years ago (edited)

     "We are all equal, we are all special" (in Spanish "Todos somos iguales, todos somos especiales") is the title that author Anthony Zreik gave to his book and contacted us as Multitaskers to illustrate it. The book was literally designed to be read together childrens and their parents, graphically focused so that the text is perfectly reflected in the illustrations, always giving ample room to the imagination.

This post was made in Spanish before, you can find it here. We're sharing it in English thanks to @nomadicsoul that made us remember this cool project.

     The story is about a young Dalmatian boy at the beginning of his school years who feels insecure about what his classmates will think about him, in story there is a bully bear that constantly mocks his spots until the rest of his classmates make him reflect.


Previous Study

     Within our work we have illustrated many things, logos, animals, even people. But to do it with a character who had to appear in various scenes with different facial and body expressions, reflecting a wide variety of feelings and specific actions, was not necessarily our field, until this project.

     After reading the story very well and analyzing the scenes together with the author, we decided to start with what would be the study phase. It began with a physical analysis of the characters of the story, we already mentioned the dalmatian, the bear, besides there is the dalmatian mom, a giraffe, a hen and a turtle. We focused on seeing real photos of these animals so that we can take their physical characteristics to the pages of the story.

Analyzing and discovering the main physical characteristics of each animal to highlight them in the characters. Source images: Dalmatian, Giraffe, Bear. Own edition.

Sketching Process

     We started with th sketching process of the first page. Starting with some guidelines that are always very important to evaluate the position and expression of the character, as well as the perspective of the environment with respect to the action of the scene.

Guided by the study of the animal to be illustrated, we develop the character and scene according to the author's instructions. Own screenshot.

Illustration and colorization

After the sketch, the magic begins.

     It is very important to have the indications and ideas of each scene to be able to reflect everything the author wants in the illustrations, however, the process of study and sketching, helped us to have each and every one of the illustrations of each page so clear that on occasions we did not even need to read the indications, just by reading the story our imagination and skills did the rest.

The black outline is the funniest part, it's when the idea that we've been working with since the beginning of the project really starts to take shape. Own screenshot.

     The indications of the colorization were not beyond using the colors indicated according to what appears in the scene, even so we gave the appearance that the text is integrated into the illustrations as a cloud, also the shadows add a little depth and texture to each page.

Already with the colored illustration the page seems to "come alive". For the environment, the bright, vivid colors are the ones chosen in contrast to the main character who is practically monochromatic.

Project and Tools

  • Software used: Adobe Photoshop CC 2018
  • Main tool: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch Tablet 8"
  • Quantity: A total of 37 illustrations spread over 31 pages
  • Time: 100% of the project was completed in 10 days
  • Coffee mugs: Never enough

Layout of a part of the Multitaskers work area always with the company of "Wilson D'Tape" and a cup of coffee.

Final Result

     To conclude, we show you one of the mockups with which we present our work to the client, in addition, all the pages of the book if you are interested in giving it a read or if you do not speak/understand Spanish you still should be able to understand the book througth the graphic content, if you do, we did a good job.

     It is a short book, entertaining and has a very good message for children and adults. We hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for Reading!

Somos miembros de... / We are members of...

@qurator                                    @thealliance

Toda la información, los textos, el relato, las imagenes y fotos, donde no se especifique lo contrario, son de nuestra autoría y propiedad

iPod Touch 5, iPhone 5, BLU R1 HD, Nikon Coolpix P520, GoPro Hero 3+, Sony Alpha300
Diseño de Logo y Firma por @themonkeyzuelans como Multitaskers


Excelente trabajo amigo!

Nos alegra que lo aprecie! Muchas gracias!

wow, such a well-written post. I love children's books and have lots of them as I have to read them to my nieces.. I loved the illustrations and the process. I wouldn't have come across this if it wasn't for @mirrors ..Thanks :)
posts like these shouldnt go unnoticed!!

We thank @mirrors as well because the post could reach people that appreciate the effort we put in our content just like you. Thank you very much!

howdy there @themonkeyzuelans! hey this is a great post and a brilliant idea to put a children book together meant to be read by adults also!
Very fascinating process and very educational so thank you!
bytheway, what does your username mean?

Niceee! We're glad you appreciate it @janton.

We recently explained the origin of our username, you can read the story in this this post.

Thank you!

howdy @themonkeyzuelans! I read the post, very creative indeed, thank you. what is life like in Venezuela? The news says there are severe shortages, is there an end in sight to the troubles?
thanks guys!

It's like living trapped in a chaotic but beautiful place trying to survive day by day, exactly what we're doing here while making friends and sharing our experiences and facing everything with the best vibes 😁 that's a good resume haha

howdy again @themonkeyzuelans! The good resume being that if you can make it in those conditions you can make it anywhere?
So you are making posts about life there? then those have to be very popular because everyone is so curious, at least I am.
how do you make an income, are you graphic designers?
thanks guys!

Yes, we are a couple, architect, graphic design, photography, audiovisual and many sport skills in between us. We don't like posts about the situation here in Venezuela, we rather to share positive stuffs to outstand because of our skills and what we, not because people feel bad or shame for us. Thank you for being interested 😁

thanks guys, I don't think anyone would feel shame for you, they are just curious about what life is like under those conditions and would admire you for it. But I love your determination to be positive and to be a positive force.

are you able to make a living by using your skills in design and photography etc?
and what do your countrymen think of President Trump and the United States?
honest answer..I just want the facts!

We're living just with steemit income for about 4 months now, there is not much work here or people wants to pay what they want, which is nothing or just a coffee. Even people from other countries contact us offering ridiculous amounts of money for work just thinking that we'll accept because "we're desperate"

Honest answer about Trump... We haven't been much into politics at all after the 2017 protests here in Venezuela where we got into much troubles and dangerous situations. But just by taking a bit of attention about what's happening around us, we can say that Trump is just another person that doesn't even know how to run a family and he's somehow "on top" of a country.

We're now thinking about making that post hahaha guys are good. This is original stuff, relevant, i mean, we all love kids, and you have also explained the whole process in depth.

So I am going to feature this post on the next Xposed Curator's Rebound #23. You may find details about it Xposed Curator's Rebound

My hope is to bring your quality work here the exposure it deserves, and with it, hopefully the rewards.

Congratulations, and best wishes.

Great!!! We haven't seen this curation project before, we'll check it out for sure. Thank you very much!

Its not so old, but its is growing. Look up my blog and you will find plenty of information about it. Otherwise, here is a link to the post in which you are now featured

Your post has been selected as #adsactlyspostoftheday :)

Join us in our Discord channel here to drop your post in our post promotion page, and make sure to use the @adsactly tag in the post itself.


Awesome!!! We're honored! We already posted on Adsactly's post promotion 😁 Thank you!

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Saludos. Excelente trabajo. Gracias por compartir.

En otro orden de ideas necesito ponerme en contacto con ustedes para la fabricación de un logo y una imagen digital. Por favor cuando puedan me escriben un correo a [email protected] con algún numero de contacto. Yo les escribiré luego o los llamaré.



PD: Lo necesito cuanto antes :D

@theghost1980 Saturno Mangieri - Curador de @steemitvenezuela y miembro de @sndbox

Iconos tomados de

Mucho mas temprano que tarde ya te escribimos por correo electrónico. Agradecidos con tu interés en nuestro trabajo y felices de poder colaborar en cualquier proyecto 😁 Muchas gracias!

How creative! It's amazing to see how much detail and attention to detail goes into children's books. This is a fantastic write-up. Thank you. I found you through @mirrors and the @pifc post

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