Today's Free Steemit 3D Illustration Contribution (#10)

in #design7 years ago

steemit compass.1290.jpg
Hi Steemians !
Here comes my free contribution 3D illustration for Satarday! It is already Saturday morning here in Hangzhou and it is time to enjoy the weekend ! Hope you have a nice weekend too!
As always you can use this illustration for personal or commercial use! This illustration is from a 3 part series, you can find the earlier two designs in previous posts on my page. This is the close-up illustration and the last one of this series. Please upvote resteem and share if you find this illustration useful, and more importantly have a good weekend !


Thanks for sharing these with us! Good morning and have a great weekend my friend, only 10:20 PM and still Friday night back here

Thanks Jeff and it's interesting with the time difference and to be able to communicate though we are in completely different places at different times. I want to thank you also for supporting my lamp design and thanks to @jznsamuel it was featured in Gives me motivation to bring the design to life

Cool....! that looks like real. thanks for posting. I like it :) followed n upvoted

Thanks for your feedback I appreciate it !

You're welcome

Wow really good work and love it!! Enjoy your weekend and have a great day steemians

Thank you and enjoy your day !

Incredible work. Very well done.

I hope you don't mind but I have used it for my article right away. I linked to you and this post. It just fits so perfectly into my memory story.

This is what I want ! I Love that you put it in your post :)

Even more than that, I made a memorable story out of it. ;)

I just read your post and I Love it :)

Thank you! Now we have enriched each others day a little bit. Steemit is awesome!

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