7 Awesome Tips for the Ultimate Design of a Modern Bathroom

in #design3 years ago


There are many options to renew a bathroom design and make it modern. The days when you were limited to a countertop slab with a standard sink are already in the past. Manufacturers develop new styles that look like a piece of art rather than furniture.

The design options for the modern bathroom are endless and limited just to your budget. From compact models that are suitable for a small bathroom to large sets with luxurious fittings that transform it into a chic element of the interior.

Below are 7 elements that are a must in modern bathrooms, especially when it comes to the main bathroom in your house.

1. Double sinks

If you don’t have serious space restrictions and designing a big bathroom in a private house, a double sink is a good option. While there are a lot of controversial opinions about the benefits of a double sink, for many homeowners this is a really convenient thing. Whether you use them at the same time with other home residents or not, having a special sink means you don't have to condone someone's sloppy habits.

2. Touchless water tap

You can equip any sink with new touchless water taps. Because of increasing attention to hygiene, touchless water taps have become an increasingly popular choice for both the kitchen and bathroom. Rinsing your hands or a toothbrush becomes even faster because you can turn on the water with a wave of your hand. Some modern models of water taps even include smart technology to set the desired water temperature without touching the tap.

3. Multi-layer lighting

The bathroom needs to be functional, but you also want it to be comfortable and relaxing. This means that while you need the right light to illuminate your mirror, you don't need to light up the entire space of the bathroom. As with any room, you need layers of light. Good bathroom lighting includes vanity mirror lighting and general overhead lighting, quieter lighting above the bathtub, and enough shower light to be functional.

4. Windows

Windows are a vital architectural element of any bathroom. They allow fresh air and natural light to come inside the bathroom. There are many options for the bathroom window design . You can install big windows with frosting glass to let more light inside or opt for fashionable curtains. Regardless of the bathroom design, you can use wooden shutters instead of a curtain, to ensure your privacy.

5. Modern toilet

You will be surprised how many different options of toilet you can find on the market. They are equipped with water-saving flush technologies and have a wide variety of smart features like seats that automatically raise, heated seats, and built-in bidet features. These technologies become more useful every year. Even the basic models come in different heights and have improved characteristics.

6. Bathroom

There are a lot of controversial opinions about the usefulness of the bath in the bathroom. Some people prefer a shower without a bath that takes a lot of space. But most designers believe that it should be in every home. If you love to relax in a big bath filled with hot water, feel free to make a beautiful bath in the center of your bathroom. There are many options that allow you to choose a bath according to your budget, preferences, and bathroom design.

7. Storage Space

Obviously, you need a place to store your towels and other bathing products. When designing a bathroom, it's a smart strategy to include different types of storage. The shelves can be hidden behind the mirror. Vanity units can have open or closed shelves to use all available free space. The storing place for towers can be placed on the countertop between the two sinks. No matter how you decorate your bathroom, don't forget about storage space!

thanks for answer

Your bathroom design tips sound pretty universal. I don't even think they can create a unique room. Of course, all the elements I've chosen will match the color scheme. But it might make my bathroom look boring. Also, I didn't find the wash basin mirror clause. I'm always interested in mirrors of different shapes and sizes. I want to renovate my bathroom and install some interesting and unique mirrors there in my house. I'll probably look for a mirror in antique stores or stores online. I'm interested in mirrors with curved edges, wavy mirrors, and mirrors in cool frames. I want to surprise my wife with her arrival from Israel.

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