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RE: Depression Can Creep up on the Best of Us!

in #depression8 years ago

I swapped out that quote, cause I can see how it could interpreted as 'blaming' the person suffering. It wasn't my intention for it to come across that way, wanting it more as a personal empowerment aspect of things.

Personally, I've been able to deconstruct my depressed moments, but this isn't by any means the same for everybody. To a large degree it depends on the person, the situation, the longevity, support networks, and this list can go on. I readily admit what works for me doesn't apply to everyone.

I've always tended to split those things in and out of my control. Rarely (imo) do people fall into depressed states when they don't win on a lottery ticket or slot machine, as well as when something less gambling oriented doesn't go their way such as getting a job, date, etc. These usually get chalked up to 'crap happens' or 'I didn't get lucky'...the big shift occurs when these begin the thoughts of "I'm not good enough" or not worthy.

Still all great points, not arguing. Just my personal take on things.


aw, you didn't have to swap out your quote - that was your quote.....I have to go out but wanted to let you know I've read your two replies and would like to read the rest in the chain and get back to you - I have a few thoughts to add. I know what depression is like too....and I like how you are handling it. Just wanted to tell you that for now.

It's no worries. I didn't feel I was forced to change the quote, the points made were quite valid. I prefer to have things interpreted the way I had in mind and in that case it could have been taken in both positive and negative the change was worthwhile in my mind. :)

TY! Looking forward to your thoughts. :)

Yes I agree very much with you there, and also believe you didn't have to swap out your quote. I like the one you replaced it with though.

It's all good. In the discussion I could see how it could have been taken negatively, so it was worth the edit in my eyes. I definitely didn't feel like anyone was forcing that on me...just good valid points and my preference in having things interpreted in the way I wanted/meant. :)

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