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RE: Depression Can Creep up on the Best of Us!

in #depression8 years ago

That I can understand, with the episodes being more acute/short-term, which is more common during the potential onset of the mood disorder itself as well as the genetic side of things.

For me, in the 'on-set' stages of things is more where these methods have been what's worked for me. Personally I don't like the idea of the prescribed medications (just for me, not generalizing this to what others should or shouldn't do) but I did do some 'green partaking' back then which did help me in moments. Some day I may find that something else may be necessary, but luckily so far I've just needed to break the cycle of negative thoughts. Logically I still knew I had friends, support, etc but emotionally I took everything in those moments in the worst way possible.

I can believe there are genetic aspects to it, providing the pre-disposition increasing likelihood of episodes being triggered. I've just found things that work for me. I'm always careful on stuff like this to not extend 'methods that have worked for me' to everybody. I will admit that to a large degree I view depression as a 'mindset' in the sense that I took the same 'data' either in a positive vs negative light. It's also worth mentioning that I've often felt empathic, in the sense of being sensitive to emotions, which I could be being a factor. (if this isn't just something in my own head, lol)

Either way, I do agree. Depression sucks all around and is a difficult experience to go through. In the end it's all about finding some way to get out of that state whether through methods I mentioned, medication, talking with people/professionals, or other ways that I've not even thought of.

While not a fix in itself, things like this at least help me to smile...



Sometimes funny things help, sometimes not right? You must be nearing the end of your episode. I like how you self soothe and take care of your symptoms by doing the opposite of what you are feeling. That's super important.

Great post - too bad you didn't make more $$ on was worth more. Hate it when that happens. But also, sometimes $$ don't matter when you've helped so many on here.


So true! Depending on where I'm at the funny things truly help and make me smile...other times it just kinda flows right by without much effect. At least I haven't had a negative reaction to cute/funny which is part of why I find use in them.

Eh, while on an upswing, I'm still having to get various major 'life' things dealt with (still on the job search.) But I do find 'little wins' by putting things like this out there. While a better payout on it would have been nice, it's definitely generated great conversations out of it, which was uber helpful and felt great.

I learned on here a long time ago that a low payout just means a low payout (maybe bad timing, bigger SP holders didn't see it, topic not on their current interest radar, even things I could have tweaked to effect it (tags, title, etc.) I really don't let the lower payouts get to me for long, so many of my shorter posts have done quite all balances out pretty well for me.

This was one of those "Wrote it because I wanted to write it" sort of thing. :)

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