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RE: What I Need to Feel Whole

in #depression6 years ago

I have heard of that movie before but have never watched it myself, maybe I should! Dogs are amazing creatures that love unconditionally and bring so much love into our lives that I don't blame you for still missing your girl. You have shared pictures of her in the past and she was a beauty that looked like she loved you very much :)

Lately I don't really feel anger either, I feel more disappointment in situations that used to make me really angry. I think I have moved away from a position of anger into more acceptance that things are the way they are.

I like that "befriend your fear and it won't drag you down," it makes so much sense but I've never seen it put like that before. I feel like I use that in my writing but I've never really thought about it in those terms. I just write what comes to my mind and heart.
You are such a sweet and intuitive soul, the world is lucky to have a spirit such as yours that feels so deeply and desires to help other souls.

Deep connections with great friends are what life should be about. I prefer to have a handful of amazing friends vs a ton of friends that are surface level relationships.

I'm sitting here listening to it pouring down rain outside and reading this. Nature is beautiful to be part of and to take time to appreciate. Thank you for your wisdom and kindness that you have shared!


Pouring rain can be a relaxing thing, with hot soup and tea... sounds comforting... I sometimes don't let it stop me from going outdoors... I just take my umbrella or a raincoat and it's quite interesting to just walk under the rain without caring much to get wet.

Yes, long time ago I found the difference between acquaintances and friendship... You don't see a friend in a long time, but you smile everytime you meet... you always care and are happy for them when things go right... And they don't have to be many... just significant. But I've been blessed with so many insanely talented friends... that I feel part of many different worlds... theirs too...:)

Yes, I've made this project "Fear no More" so that quote is from the lyrics of the song A Door Ajar. All the three CDS are connected but this last one is more a journey of acceptance... like the night horrors I drew menacing in the first album are now invisible friends...

I don't know if I'm intuitive, at least I think I observe, but I'm kind of naive sometimes too...
But well that allows me to feel happy with the flutter of a butterfly

I have two dogs so I sometimes take them outside in the rain to play and they love it! They don't like the bath that they get after getting wet and muddy but they love playing in the rain! Tea is one of my first loves. I will sit down with some tea anytime. When it's hot outside here I just add some ice to it :)

I have a handful of people in my life that I call family even though we're not biologically related because they are my best friends and have been there through all the ups and downs.

You have a big following on YouTube as well, right? I think Serena had mentioned it before. I love your music and need to make a point of listening while I work! Your voice is soothing.

I think we are all naive sometimes so you aren't alone in that. You have a big heart that loves to give to others and I pray that you will always be rewarded for your sweet spirit.


Serena and I knew each other in 2002 in a site called mp3 dot com. Dino was also there and Hector my partner...! It's funny how Steemit has reunited us all. And we all still find comfort in music... I'd say that's a success so far. !

Aw, thanks for the compliment, I would not say I have a huge following on youtube XD, I've neglected it a bit for too long, but among all all social networks yes I have my following mostly off chain still.
But as with "friends" you don't need such a huge following but a significant and fair amount of supporters... they don't have to be many but "caring"... and I think I'm still blessed with that.

For a decade I released my independent CDs and toured and lived off my art... so I had a reasonable success (within my non mainstream genre). Good things of doing something that is niche (like fantasy music) is that most of the artists in the genre get to have a name in it, at least after two decades.

I had to stall things a little due to health but slowly finding my feet again. Music was always very healing to me and is the main reason to create it. I always say that the success is to still have that dream in your hands and that dream still means something... for me is enough and I still have that :) it's not a small thing to have :) So sometimes step forwards lead you to make steps back... or apparently so. My goals now are humble, release my third illustrated music project, heal, create...

And have my dogs and ratties again somewhere green :)

tea yes, tea and coffee both... I'm a lady with a mug most of the time...
I love hot soup on winter rainy days (in a mug too)

That is so funny that you all have found each other again on Steemit! I'm glad you did because you are all wonderful people. Thank you for sharing so much of your life. I love hearing stories about people's lives. Thank you for being so sweet and a new online friend <3

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