The Pattern of Progressives versus Coporatists - Democratic Party Siesmic Rift?

Fascinating situation in Colorado 2nd Congressional District with progressive candidate Mark Williams up against a corporate backed Dem fauxgressive. Check out the interview on TYT:

To summarize in brief: people in the party grass roots who started to show interest in Williams as "the true progressive" suddenly went dark and said they were threatened by Dem officials "If you work for the Williams campaign you will never work again in Colorado politics".

A take-away from this? It might be a stretch but I think the Democratic Party is going to rift soon. There are two clear poles, the elite conservative donor backed corporate Dems, and the grass roots funded Progressives. With the levels of corruption in the Dem Party establishment people will not be taking any middle ground for too long. Either Dem affiliated groups and people will be willing to sell their souls, or they will have to reject Third Way Clinton-ism as a failed experiment.

Yet I doubt this is too much of a crystal ball gazing stretch of belief. The same pattern has occurred in plenty of other races for this year's mind-terms and other run-ups for 2020. The attacks on Ro Khanna from his own party, Alison Hartson being denied mainstream media coverage. Likewise with Paula Jean Swearengin in West Virginia. Brianna Westbrook in Arizona losing a special election (but still with a chance in August primaries). I haven't done the research to compile a full list of these head-to-head battles of progressives vs corporatists. But it's the same pattern as seen with Mark Williams.

People need to start taking sides and condemn the corporate wing to swampland elite obscurity. There has to be either a purge of corporate Dems (unlikely) or a splinter party of pure progressives and social democrats. (more likely). There is only so much corruption the progressives can sustain and endue from within the Dems. There has to be b a breaking point when they collectively cry "Enough!". I see this as historically analogous in some ways to the Southern Strategy of the Republicans, but with different outcomes I hope. The corporate Dems are running a "Northern Wall Street strategy" which is (or has) changing the ideology of the party entirely ever since the 1980's and accelerated by Clinton's presidency (as documented by Thomas Franks --- "Listen Liberal"), and is no longer socially conscious or left wing (except in disingenuous neoliberal tripe rhetoric), the party has to split, otherwise I think it will disintegrate in a worse way when Trump wins re-election in 2020. The frustrating thing is the progressive splinter movement is so f***ing slow and uncertain, they are so gutless at present. The Democrat party brand is at an all time low. It needs to be jettisoned, What will spur on the progressives' courage? Do they need to wait for another military-industrial-neocon complex inspired war for crissake? Can't they read the tea leaves and see the spirit of our times are fully behind them? Gotta grow you some balls you progressives!

Comedian Jimmy Dore (who some love, some hate, but whop to be fair does not profess to be any kind of expert) thinks the progressives should leave the Democrat Party. But he might not be right. Although above I thought it unlikely, there is still, I would guess, a 40% to 50% chance the Justice Dems and the Our Revolution candidates could form a take-over/soft-coup of the Democratic Party. I have not done the math, but I doubt that alliance will gain more than 25% to 30% of the seats available in "blue" districts and states. Either way though, we have the curse of living in interesting times!


@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.

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