TN Breaking News: US, UK and France Bomb Syria

in #deletefacebook6 years ago


We are watching a repeat, yet again of the same template that has been used as an excuse for war over and over again. But this time it's slightly different and that comes in the words being used in the Main Stream Media.

Breaking news as I woke up this morning that the US, UK and France have bombed several places in Syria, using over 100 Tomahawk missiles. Reports from the Syrian and Russian side state that most of these missiles were shot down, but that a few did get through and destroyed one of the targets. Russia has, of course, responded using strong but KEY words HERE


One of the most important aspect to this news, that the American and British people need to fully comprehend is that both Trump and May attacked another sovereign nation WITHOUT the authorization of their Congress or Cabinet. Trump and May are both acting in violation of not only International Law, but of the laws of their OWN countries! (I do not know enough about French Law to comment on the illegalities of France's actions).


What is interesting in the news coverage of this fucking ridiculousness, is the use of words through out the report that gives the media the opportunity to back away from this, and to cover their asses. The first news I read this morning came from the BBC HERE. Note the words, the non- absolute statements:



The BBC of course included the Viral Video that purported shows Syrian children being treated for "chemicals" used in the supposed "Attack"... but again, note the description used on the video:

Has the BBC learned their lesson when it was proven that they completely faked the videos of the "chemical attacks" in Aug/Sept 2013?

The statements being made at the moment are very interesting, not only in their choice of words but in the fact that we are seeing officials already making statements that are not in support of this missile attack. From ABC News:

The United Nations Secretary-General says he is closely watching reports related to the airstrikes on Syria conducted by the U.S., France and Britain.
Antonio Guterres says in a statement on Saturday that countries are obligated to act within the guidelines of the Charter of the United Nations and "international law in general."
The United States, France and Britain launched military strikes in Syria to punish President Bashar Assad for an apparent chemical attack against civilians and to deter him from doing it again


A top Russian lawmaker says Moscow's response to Western airstrikes on Syria must be carefully considered.

"Emotion is not what's needed now, but professional assessment by military specialists working on the scene," Konstantin Kosachev, head of the foreign affairs committee of the upper house of parliament, said Saturday, according to state news agency RIA-Novosti.

However, Kosachev said, the attack's meaning was clear: "It's a scandalous violation of international law and this is an attack on a sovereign state without an underlying basis."

Kosachev reiterated the view of other lawmakers that the attack's intent was to interfere with international investigators who want to probe whether a chemical weapons attack took place in the town of Douma last week.


What's this? They want to interfere with the International Investigation of whether a Chemical weapons attack even took place?!? Yes... today was to be the day that the investigation into this supposed "chemical attack" was to begin on the ground in Syria- From the BBC Report:

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has dispatched a fact-finding mission to the site of the alleged attack in Syria. Investigators were due to start their probe later on Saturday.


One of the interesting statements that came out of this mess this morning was that the Syrian Military shot down a significant number of missiles using what amounts to ancient technology (ABC report):

However, it noted that the missiles were taken down by decades-old systems, including Neva surface-to-air missiles that were designed in the 1950s. Specifying the age of the systems appeared to be a slap at President Donald Trump who had boasted on Twitter that missiles used against Syria would "nice, new and smart."


And of course, like last April 2017 (isn't that funny?) we have to revisit the information about Tomahawk missiles, how much they cost and who is benefiting from their flagrant use:

Tomahawk Block IV cruise missile -crop.jpg
A BGM-109 Tomahawk flying in November 2002
Type Long-range, all-weather, subsonic cruise missile
Place of origin United States
Service history
In service 1983–present
Used by United States Navy Royal Navy
Production history
Manufacturer General Dynamics (initially) McDonnell Douglas Hughes Aircraft Corporation Raytheon
Unit cost $1.87M (FY2017)[1] (Block IV)

Trump owns shares in company firing missiles into Syria, making $1.5b in one day for Raytheon

April 9, 2017

Syria Airstrikes Instantly Added Nearly $5 Billion to Missile-Makers' Stock Value

April 7, 2017

April 7, 2017: 10:59 AM ET

Worst Chemical Attack in Years in Syria; U.S. Blames Assad

April 4, 2017

Isn't it funny how the Dates are exactly the SAME to the literal DAY of this years purported attacks?

If Raytheon made over $5 Billion dollars during last years response to a "chemical attack" with 59 missiles fired.... how much money will they make this year with over 100 Tomahawk missiles fired into Syria (that were taken down by 1950's antique defenses?) this morning? The truth will be seen, no doubt, next week when the Stock Markets open up again.


The unfolding story keeps changing and will keep changing as the "Talking Heads" have to come up with explanations and information to support their actions. Multiple sources from WITHIN the American Government and Military, British and French Governments have openly stated that their ONLY information about this supposed "chemical attack" have come from THE MEDIA and sources like the "White Hats"- which have been proven over and over again to be faking information and evidence continuously to keep provoking the War Rhetoric. ....

.... This isn't NEW. This is an exact repeat of the exact same template that is continuously used to defend decisions by "Talking Heads" to take military action against sovereign nations.



And finally.... the big question is why hasn't the US, UK and France bombed Turkey and Israel in retaliation to their purported chemical attacks this year? Why were these attacks literally instantly dismissed, even though there were multiple on scene reports, media reports and videos that proved that these attacks took place? Perhaps because Turkey (even though Turkey has been attacking US supported, trained and armed Kurdish troops for months), and Israel are American and British allies? Why is it that the crimes of these nations go completely unreported most of the time, and are brushed off as "didn't happen" when the outcry becomes too deafening?



Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


@daniarnold absolutly trump goes wrong in favor of his own nation . this attack will take trump far away from other countries .hope american people protest against it.

I think you use do your research well on Israel before you accuse them of committing crimes.

darlin, I've researched Israel, the formation of the country of Israel, the agreements and treaties that were created to create the nation of Israel, the history of the political structure that put these treaties in place, and the history of the political Zionist agenda for 20 years. Can you say the same? Or are you just spouting off some religious dogmatically politically motivated rhetoric that you've been programmed into believing?
Please feel free to bring your research to the table that refutes any statements I have made. I'll wait right here.....

1 unfucker badge tiny.jpg

Have you been to Israel to see for yourself and find out from them or you are using some skewwed information and research you have got?

I have traveled all over the world, have learned the truth from every place I've traveled and every piece of research I've done.
I see you still haven't put any of your research onto the table to be discussed here though.... interesting.

Yes, because none of them is showing an Israeli's view about the issue before I can compare and contrast, that is what objective people do.

I am sad that because of the falseness of all the news I have noticed since 9/11 that I have become apathetic to the lies and misinformation. I wish it weren't true but so many untruths have left me sceptical of everything as I don't have the power to verify any of it.

I think this all boils down to whose Propaganda you wish to believe so a least give people a choice: "Gen. Dunford: Russian guns and missiles remained silent during US, UK, French strikes, said only response came from Syrian military who fired some surface-to-air missiles to no effect"

and yet multiple other sources, beside western media and talking heads, have given reports contrary to this. The reports that the Syrian forces themselves shot down over 70 missiles using antiquated defense systems that were designed in the 50's isnt' really something the US Military wants to make public, is it?


Like I said its up to which propaganda source you choose to believe. And both sides are spewing it hard this morning.

Huge Information Drop on Deep State Propaganda Arm: Fact Checking Outfit Snopes Rolls Out The Atlantic Councils Pro-War Armchair Propagandists To Cover For Mass Media And Government Lies About Latest White Helmets False Flag in Syria

of course!!! thanx for the link, i'll go read it now!


The business of war is the most profitable and the price is paid in human lives while the rich hide in their towers. Frankly, the US's insistence on interfering with a sovereign nations affairs and playing moral cop will eventually leave them besieged by enemies, This wars have always been about money- ALWAYS!

"Isn't it funny how the Dates are exactly the SAME to the literal DAY of this years purported attacks"?

Yes, it really IS funny! I have noticed this before. The first alleged chemical weapon attack on Syria occurred on Aug 21, 2013. But, Putin intervened to stop Obama from launching a retaliatory attack. One year later, on Aug 20, 2014, American journalist James Foley became the first westerner allegedly beheaded by ISIS on national TV. And like magic, the ISIS terrorist boogy man suddenly appeared out of nowhere to dominate the national consciousness. This gave the US a new false pretext to involved itself militarily in Syria. It claimed it had to fight ISIS to protect the western world. Of course, the US was not in Syria to fight ISIS. It was there to SUPPORT ISIS in fighting the Syrian gov't forces. The US wants to destabilize and overthrow the Assad government. It has bombed Syrian gov't forces, bridges, electrical and water plants, and other infrastructure. It has reinforced, resupplied, and armed ISIS, all the while it claimed it was fighting ISIS. But, then Russia proceeded to destroy ISIS, much to the chagrin of the US.

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