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RE: Delegations

in #delegations6 years ago

haha Lynn knows how to talk in 3rd person, she just prefers first person is all. It seems strange and awkward for someone like Lynn, who unlike @glenalbrethsen or @davemccoy, has never seemed to have a problem talking with or to others. Funny enough, Lynn never liked the theatre Glen, so perhaps she wasn't totally comfortable in her own skin. In high school, like most teenagers, Lynn wasn't hugely popular but did have a core group of friends that she was comfortable with. She has never been a fan of girls much, and truthfully, she doesn't know of any girls who might find this right now amusing...except herself of course. Lynn finds this terribly, terribly amusing and in fact, she may make a habit of this 3rd person thing!

How's that? :)


Dave thinks Lynn is fun! He said that she is super smart and fun... Dave doesn't understand why more people don't talk like this, so its good to find someone like Lynn that gets it!

Lynn thinks Dave is fun, smart and funny too, but she wasn't aware that he is also a hypnotist!

And Lynn is suddenly feeling very sleepy, very sleepy, very sleepy...

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