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RE: Introducing the Defective Chocolate Sphere! Get Yours In a Week!

in #defectivechocolatesphere7 years ago (edited)

So now your stalking my comments, just to tell me the same things over and over. even tho ive made it clear i dont agree with you,, seems sorta like spam in itself dont it? for that matter it seems more like spam to me, atleast my generic messages had a purpose, and i didnt say the same thing, to the same people over and over. take the hint unless your gonna contribute something useful to me, go find a new project really before i mute you. should i stalk your posts and flag everything i dont like tommorow once i have 2700 sp,,, and continue doing it once im at 5k and 10 k sp.. or can you get a life and leave me alone, you stated your opinion, i stated i dont agree, that should be the end of it by any normal means, stalking people trying to make them feel bad, is a very big red flag about what kind of person you are, so seriously leave me alone already or its going to have negative consequences for you, you may laugh because right now i have like no sp, but lots of my followers do,, and i soon will too, so for the last time, i ask you to go away nicely. Ive been mining ethereum for 2 years, i invested in bitcoin when it was a dollar,, i only came to steem a week ago, and been testing the waters, within a month, my sp will make your 5K sp look like a drop in the bucket, im really not the person you wanna get into a grudge with or a flag war with, i will decimate your account if you keep it up, cause i can afford to buy my own steem power and fully intent to put upwards of 25 k cash into my account over the next while cause the return on it will be 10 fold over time, im doing this site as a investment, not just to toy around. im on the verge of losing my patience, heed the warning, leave me be. Like remember how you tried to warn me, someone with more sp may come along and flag me and thats how you go down, then keep in mind i have over 500 000$ worth of bitcoin. and that soon i will have over double the sp you do regardless of what my rating is, I might be little now, but i wont be for long, and if you flag and screw my rating on here before i up my sp, no big deal, ill buy a new account before loading my steem onto it. i only have like 10 posts to lose and their not worth that much, as i said, this was a trial run to find out if i like the site before sinking a crapload of cash into it. I may seem like a "noob" to you, but ive been following this site for awhile. woopidy do, you caught me being lazy and using a generic message when i was bored and lazy to get a few followers. and you think that gives you the right to stalk me and try to make my experience here less then pleasurable, news flash, ill still be here, i still wont care what you think, But if you keep going you will have made a enemy that once he has all his power, will use it to screw with you back and make you regret making them a enemy, so really please do not reply me, i dont wish to speak to you, and i will not warn you nor reply you again, you will just see the effects in a few days when your rating start dropping like a lead weight, end of discussion this can either be goodbye and we go our seperate ways, or you can continue and see that my patience wore out the hard way. goodbye


dude you call yourself veteran when you can't even tell that duplibot is not a person but just a program that runs on auto mode 😑

Um i never called myself a vet, maybe you should actually read what i wrote, i said ive been here a week, testing the waters, where the hell does that constitute as veteran nor make you think i referred to myself as one jesus your as annoying as that stephen guy. also if your such a vet yourself acting high and mighty why dont you realize that bots are just as interactive as people, sometimes more, they are an ai. as you can see it replied to my response and used my response to check into the things i said, dont try acting smart here, you obviously arent too bright if you dont realize you can interact with the bots, their not just on auto mode, i mean they are,, but they do response in context to what you say to them. hence ai. i clearly know more about them if you think their just a simple little auto program. so same thing i told stephen, leave me be, or enjoy my company after i start loading ethereum into my account, you made your opinion clear before, no need to stalk me out and try to annoy me unless you want the favor returned when my sp is higher then your shortly in the form of flag after flag after flag, im here to make followers and friends, but if someone else wants to voluntarily sign up to being my enemy by beaking me, well thats cool too, but i gurantee i got more sp then you by the end of the week and can affect your rep score in a more then negative way if you wanna keep being negative towards me, so really bite off unless you got something productive or positive to say. Like you wanna stalk me out and make fun of me, just because the comment i made on one of your posts trying to get a new follower you deemed spam and as a horrible thing? even tho i gave you a vote as i did it,, yet you dont find anything wrong with intentionally trying to bring someone else down and make their experience her negative,,, give your fuckin head a shake you retard. you could have got lots of valuable advice from me if you werent such a douche bag, your sitting here chatting up with this guy,, whos acting like 200 000 bts is a fortune? thats a measely 32 000 dollars worth of bts, i got triple that,, almost a mill in bitcoin, and over 200 00 worth of ethereum, what i am a vet at is crypto currencies, i have mining rigs self built aswell as antiminers, tho those are almost useless anymore they eat more power then they earn, but they mined me to riches before the difficulty and price went up before christmas. been mining crypto since 2009, clearly your into crypto aswell, could have had a great support in it, maybe even a backer if you wanted to make a invetment, but instead your sitting here being a mouthy fuck trying to make a enemy, as i said to him flag me, mess with me, all you want, this account is a trial one, you mess up my rep its no skin off my ass i will just make a new account before loading it up with thousands of sp and once i do ill bombard your ass with flags and sink your rep to non existant. or you can stop being a pissant and we can part seperate ways, im not one to start arguements but i sure as hell wont back down from one and in this situation i know i can screw both you tards over if you wanna keep being negative asses that keep commenting at me. if you didnt like my post, thats wonderful, you both called it spam, i didnt agree with either of you but thats fine, people can disagree, its this continuing to make slant comments at me that im just simply not gonna tolerate, pull up your big boy pants and move along otherwise im gonna start the immaturity crap too and i know i can win so dont make me be that ass. just leave well enough alone. good luck on your steem ventures if you chose to go away,, if not, i gurantee your lucks gonna run out soon, your choice how this plays out, ttyl

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