The real meaning of “Everything happens for a reason”

in #deepshit6 years ago

One of the biggest transformations I’ve had in my life is when I started internalizing this idea that is often spoken as a cliché. The sense that most people seem to take away is that of fate or destiny, that things are predetermined or “meant to be”. I could utter this phrase “Everything happens for a reason” and mean it but my meaning would be entirely different from it’s common interpretation.


If I say that things happen for a reason, I mean that the things that happen to reflect a meaning back to you. Your experience is the output of the actions and decisions you have made, but more fundamentally, the thoughts and feelings that have led you to make them.

They are almost always unclear in nature but that is because we are almost unclear in what we “input” into our lives. We have mixed vibrations that inform mixed results. But being open to the idea that “everything happens for a reason” and not in that cliché way, the entire way we interact with the world begins to change.

Everything in our lives begins to take on a symbolic meaning. At first we may be taking shots on the dark, but as we continue to play with the idea that our experiences are trying to tell us something, we begin to see more and more patterns. Unwanted experiences begin to lead us to change behaviors in order to improve ourselves. Bad luck ceases to be bad luck, and we can begin to understand what actions are leading to what outcomes. Seemingly unrelated events begin to show a deeper level of interconnectivity and we can see, to a greater extent, how our thoughts and emotions will create a ripple effect in our lives.

In my own life, I’ve made us of the things that happen to me to discover all the distorted vibration I have been putting out there through contradicting thoughts and feelings. I can recognize my reactions to certain unwanted experiences and by searching for a positive way to look at these experiences, I automatically cease the invitation of such experiences into my experience. By focusing on a certain type of obnoxious person, for example, I invite more similar people into my life. When I treat these people as an indication of some kind of distortion inside of myself that’s needs to be addressed, I can always find it...the energy I give to the frustration I feel at their behavior can be rerouted towards more proactive thoughts. From this change, I usually find these people show up in my life less and less. I may naturally avoid places where they can be found or I find things to say that brings out the better side of them so I don’t even notice how obnoxious they can be.

It may sound like a bit of a stretch for some people, to say that life is speaking to them at every moment, some may even consider it “crazy”, but try it out for a month and see what happens. Even if you don’t come to the same conclusions I have, it will surely be an interesting thought experiment ;-)


Very well said

It all boils down to knowing yourself, because it’s when you know yourself you start to see how connected circumstances in your life are as you now become in tune with your consciousness.
From my experience you start to see that “good” things are “bad” things and “bad” things are “good” things, everything becomes clear as ever

That reminds me of a chinese idiom I really love, you can google it for the story behind it. Sai weng shi ma

Its not crazy at all. Life really is speaking to you at every moment.

"Choices have consequences" is another popular and likely related saying. Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is (most of the time) the result of a choice you made.

People tend to forget that not-choosing is ultimately also a choice. Not-choosing where to go on vacation soon enough results in the consequence that you don't get to go anywhere because all the flights are already fully booked.

There's really nothing "magical" or woo-woo about it; we attract what we focus on. It's like that simple example of shopping for a new car. If we decide we're going to get a yellow VW, there suddenly seems to be a lot more yellow VWs on the road. ARE there more yellow VWs on the road? Of course not! They just happen to have been moved from background noise to the forefront of our minds.

Of course, before we can really "use" this to our benefit, we have to sit and identify what we truly want. Otherwise we will — as in your example — attract people and things we'd really rather NOT have!


That’s a very practical (and helpful) way to look at it!

Nice how you turn a cliché into a lesson. This is a great way of looking at it, giving the saying a more positive spin.

Which makes me think of the importance of intonation. Something that gets lost in text chat - as does sarcasm/ cynism - and that we often try to compensate with emojis. It is also definitely the way that something is said that makes how we understand it, besides the exact words.

Bye for now :>)

I think I have one more cliché I could do, one that I really love and gets thrown around a lot, can you guess what it is?

I don't have a clue :>)

Everything happens for a reason, if only to provide us with a learning opportunity.
Life is a ride. That's why I don't think it strange that human behavior doesn't evolve. Technology might change, but the important lessons we need to learn aren't altered by technology. They are dependent on interacting with other people. However, the way we handle the challenges of innovation can help us grow.
This is not financial advice(meaning it is only my opinion, lol)

I find a lot of our “progress” to be distraction, not all of it of course, but more than half. The more we put aside lessons that’s life is trying to teach us about ourselves the more urgent and pressing they become, it’s really amazing to watch, I only hope to minimize the suffering.

So true!
Perhaps the real purpose of life is...lesson learned.

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Well that some poits are confusing for i never faced it

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