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RE: Culture Belongs to Everyone

in #deepshit6 years ago

If we are talking about culture, in terms of tribe, men my tribe is wild, trash talking, extroverts. They love women and alcohol, talk about money a lot but make so little of it. They are ambitious to desperation and they are laid back in their various faiths and doctrines. They don't read books, some don't play games, some do illegal stuff to survive. Basically I hang out with the good, the bad and the pretty ugly but I am not them. The only similar things we share is our love for beautiful women and alcohol.

As far as they are concerned, I am a weirdo but they are cool with it. They say it's my thing and they listen to me and take me serious. 😂

My culture is quite complex.


It sounds like you don’t fully relate to the people around you. Sometiems that’s just how it is, but if you desire people who understand you on a deeper level, insist on being yourself and you will eventually find them. It took me giving up everything in order to find a family, and it took me going off on my own once I found them to help them grow into the people they wanted to be. If you enjoy people just enjoy them though, no need to reject them because they are different from you, as long as you feel fulfilled. I think “they listen to me and take me seriously” is an essential point!

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