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RE: Deep Dives 12 | Regime Change in South America | The US Role in Chile's 9-11

in #deepdives5 years ago

I am often surprised by how people are themselves surprised by this, and so many other examples, of war crimes and crimes against humanity being undertaken on their behalf. American citizens have delegated authority to government, and this is an example of that authority being abused to do things almost none of us would support.

There is a progression that begins when we first can vote, and are disappointed when we discover our chosen one lied. We start seeing the dirty doings that rob us of our sovereignty. We then redouble effort to re-establish our sovereignty with more radical political endeavors, and then we are again scandalized to discover that, too, has been coopted for profit.

Once we get there, we can begin to take actually effective measures to secure our rights, and this is a pretty random assortment of efforts, as most of us aren't very effective rebels. It takes more than rebelliousness to successfully implement functional strategies with sound tactics.

Sadly, most of us end up stuck somewhere along this journey, or get to the destination so late in life we get to do little that is actually effective. My guess is that less than 10% of people end up taking reasonably effective action, and the rest get stuck somewhere in electoral politics, which is designed for that very purpose.

Thanks for bringing this to the attention of fresh eyes, so that journey can begin for them.


Thanks for your excellent comments in this thread, you're insights are very valuable. You're more articulate than I could ever hope to be but what I appreciate most is that you understand the co-opted political system, the dog and pony show that rarely, if ever, produces policy or changes in policy that affect the lives of the average citizens, special interest dominates. Until, we take back our democracy we should expect more of the same. We're on a merry-go-round that's spinning out of control feeling sick to our stomachs but don't know how to stop or get off this dangerous carnival ride.

I have come to a powerful whitepill: centralization is the enemy of freedom, and decentralization is freedom. Across every field technological advance is presently increasing decentralization, from agriculture, manufacturing, and communications, to medicine, transport, and policy itself.

Natural processes, embodied in physics, and thus the technology that is possible, are creating conditions that not only enable us to be free individuals, but force us to be. If we can just avoid catastrophic failure - most likely being sucked into war by psychogical manipulations - our posterity will inherit a far better world than we live in today.

Regardless of what I personally can achieve at this late stage in my life, I am comforted that future felicity is on tap for my descendants, and the stars are at their feet.


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