Torturers For Hire. DeepDives.

in #deepdives6 years ago

There are ‘for profit’ companies employed by the US government to carry out crimes against humanity.

The behavior of these contractors has been documented on many occasions, from the use of deadly force carried out by the company formerly known as Black Water to the use of high stress positions used in Abu Gharib, or waterboarding in GITMO. There is a history of private contractors engaging in behaviors which the rule-of-law prevents soldiers and agents from carrying out.

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The use of private industries allow the people in positions of power and influence to pretend ignorance when the eventual leak of damning information happens. When we see government hiring private firms to torture or murder people we need to question whether these activities are strictly necessary, or whether these contracts were created in an effort to generate revenue for specific individuals.

The US military and intelligence services have a history of providing contracts to people of wealth and influence, creating revenue through the use of torture in foreign lands. This was the case in Abu Ghrib when CACI International and the Titan Company were exposed for their inhumane treatment of Iraqi civilians. The contract to extract information from detainees was awarded to a former CIA agent familiar with the legal ins and outs of “enhanced interrogation”, and therefore uniquely positioned to violate the rights of suspects without worry of charges or fines for violating the rule of law.

While torture and human rights violations are frowned on in the USA, we heartily approve of profit-making. There is virtually no level of wrongdoing carried out in the name of profits which will be condemned or halted. When there is money to be made in torture, there are contracts to be awarded to torturers. Especially in light of the complete lack of charges, with the exception of the whistle-blower, arising from the Torture Report.

In our modern time we have seen private security firms violating the law without repercussions. We must question whether the for-profit sector is really the place for torture and interrogation. Because corporations are responsible for intelligence-gathering there is profit in surveillance, and where there is profit the wealthy cluster. These wealthy investors work in concert with legislators to influence public policy. This is one of the modern faces of fascist America. The privatization of intelligence, detention and enhanced interrogation was characterized as a gold rush in this Wikileak.

The role of for-profit corporate entities is largely ignored in reporting on the Torture Report. We see references to CIA agents or Army MPs and contractors, but we don’t really get a sense of which corporations were involved, how much the taxpayers paid for these companies to engage in human rights violations, or how these contracts were awarded. National security, media complicity, and wealth insulate the perpetrators of for-profit torture.

This post is based on this wikileak

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When there is money to be made in torture, there are contracts to be awarded to torturers.

Doesn't that make you physically sick? But - this will never end. The world is too corrupt. It will just get sneakier and sneakier.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Private Military
Our Purpose

Excellent post as per usual man. I wonder what you know about the Kubark ( I think I am spelling that right) Manual.

Having lived in South America for mast of the Las three years I have seen first hand the long lasting effects of systematic torture and mass murder of people.

It seems to me that the methodology has only become more streamlined and efficient. Can you draw a connection between what happened here in the 70s and 80s and what is happening today?

I have never heard of the Kubark.

I would say the the connection to the 70's and 80's is likely to do with weapons manufacturers and the use of foreign agents to affect domestic policy.

I am interested to see what connections you have made.

Yeah definitely weapons manufacturers were involved but the military industrial complex existed long before 1971. I will put together a quick highlight post and tag you, then explore each step of history.

It's something I've wanted to share for a while anyway. 😊😊😊

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