CIA Operation Cherry Blossom - Wikileaks files shows Anyone Who Wants To Learn to Hack WIFI - Deep Dives Research

in #deepdives6 years ago (edited)


So we all know the CIA can tap, well likely has tapped every form of communication known to man. Has anyone ever wondered how exactly they do it? I went to Wikileaks for @informationwar 's Deep dives Research challenge and found some tools we can use to fight with. By knowing what the governments weapons are, we can learn how they work and what we can do to defend ourselves against them.

This isn't just a warning about an oppressive CIA, I'm sure that is the least of our problems in this age of DOXing, harassment campaigns and endless trolls. This information is out there for anyone with hate in their heart and a mind for revenge so I suggest everyone who expresses their opinion openly on the internet or otherwise, check this out and adjust your computer systems accordingly.

Below is an excerpt from Wikileaks, please look at the entire CIA approach to "handling" people like us with ideas they don't like by clicking this link, I warn you they are not very flattering.
Cherry Blossom
15 June, 2017
Today, June 15th 2017, WikiLeaks publishes documents from the CherryBlossom project of the CIA that was developed and implemented with the help of the US nonprofit Stanford Research Institute (SRI International).
CherryBlossom provides a means of monitoring the Internet activity of and performing software exploits on Targets of interest. In particular, CherryBlossom is focused on compromising wireless networking devices, such as wireless routers and access points (APs), to achieve these goals. Such Wi-Fi devices are commonly used as part of the Internet infrastructure in private homes, public spaces (bars, hotels or airports), small and medium sized companies as well as enterprise offices. Therefore these devices are the ideal spot for "Man-In-The-Middle" attacks, as they can easily monitor, control and manipulate the Internet traffic of connected users. By altering the data stream between the user and Internet services, the infected device can inject malicious content into the stream to exploit vulnerabilities in applications or the operating system on the computer of the targeted user.
The wireless device itself is compromized by implanting a customized CherryBlossom firmware on it; some devices allow upgrading their firmware over a wireless link, so no physical access to the device is necessary for a successful infection. Once the new firmware on the device is flashed, the router or access point will become a so-called FlyTrap. A FlyTrap will beacon over the Internet to a Command & Control server referred to as the CherryTree. The beaconed information contains device status and security information that the CherryTree logs to a database. In response to this information, the CherryTree sends a Mission with operator-defined tasking. An operator can use CherryWeb, a browser-based user interface to view Flytrap status and security info, plan Mission tasking, view Mission-related data, and perform system administration tasks.
Missions may include tasking on Targets to monitor, actions/exploits to perform on a Target, and instructions on when and how to send the next beacon. Tasks for a Flytrap include (among others) the scan for email addresses, chat usernames, MAC addresses and VoIP numbers in passing network traffic to trigger additional actions, the copying of the full network traffic of a Target, the redirection of a Target’s browser (e.g., to Windex for browser exploitation) or the proxying of a Target’s network connections. FlyTrap can also setup VPN tunnels to a CherryBlossom-owned VPN server to give an operator access to clients on the Flytrap’s WLAN/LAN for further exploitation. When the Flytrap detects a Target, it will send an Alert to the CherryTree and commence any actions/exploits against the Target. The CherryTree logs Alerts to a database, and, potentially distributes Alert information to interested parties (via Catapult).
I didn't know if I should post links to all the other info but then I thought, what the hell so here you go,

Have at it folks! Don't let the powers that Be keep you down!

Image courtesy of, all information in this article not written by @greagorypatrick came from


Hi @gregorypatrick thanks for making a contribution to Deep Dives always nice to hear from new people in the community. Welcome aboard!

Just a small correction, IW and Deep Dives are not affiliated but we do have many shared interests, and support each other's projects.

oh right on, I'm sure they told me but I misunderstood, my bad. I'm glad to find Deep Dives, been reading Wikileaks since about 2015 but had no where in particular to talk about it with people who read them too. I found myself telling people what was in there without really being able to discuss the information. I'm sure you've heard it before, I stopped telling folk most of the more interesting leaks because they didn't want to believe the truth, got a lot of funny looks lol

You needed to put the reddit link in also, then the cheath bot would have left you alone, not crediting something you have copy pasted, will always bring that bot into play.
I hope this helps you in the future, have a great week.

I don't use reddit, they probably quoted the same Wikileak page. Not sure I can keep up with the reddit / 4chan crowds honestly.

Maybe it was the reddit page that copied the wiki page, hence cheetah linking you, all good though bro.

I hope so lol, was following the rules of the contest. Goes to show how hard it is to stay ahead in this info game

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