Deep Dives Research Challenge 7 | Wikileaks Archive | Winners Announced (42 SBD!)

in #deepdives6 years ago (edited)

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DD7 - Wikileaks Archive

Deep Dives into the Wikileaks archives are proving to be the most popular of all the research challenges. Wikileaks has built a trusted reputation for releasing authentic documents that, to date, have never been proven to be forgeries or fake. This is why founder Julian Assange characterizes the organization’s leaks as “pristine”.

The Wikileaks Deep Dives also tend to bring out the best from our researchers as they continue to unearth significant but often neglected material.

Over the last 2 weeks we’ve been delighted to see our core group of researchers in action as well as the return of some of our favorite contributors to #deepdives.

As always, thank you to all of the researchers participating in #deepdives, we really appreciate all your hard work and dedication. We always look forward to each challenge as we never know what discoveries are coming to the surface.

DD7 Official entrants

Here are the official participants in DD7 Research Challenge


Unofficial entrants

Syrian Supposed Civil War Oil and Gas Senators

By @shepz1

The Role of Psyops in Unconventional Warfare – The Case of Syria

By @v4vapid


First Place (21 SBD)

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The Story Behind Tamiflu

By @geke

This is an exploration into unchecked greed and collusion between branches of the US government and the pharmaceutical industry. Tamiflu, an anti-viral medication (not a vaccine) developed by Roche/Chugai Pharmaceuticals is a scandal that very few people are aware of.
By stoking fear throughout the general public of a possible Avian and Swine Flu epidemics and through heavy lobbying by star Roche representative Evan Morris, the US government agreed to stockpile $1 billion worth of Tamiflu.

The larger goal was to spur the public to demand the type of federal government response that would include massive stockpiles of the drug.

Congratulations @geke, wonderful submission!

Second Place (13 SBD)

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Plans to Destabilize and Topple Syrian Government Began As Early As 2006

by @krnel

This is a very powerful and significant piece by @krnel. The article is anchored in 2 very important documents found in the Wikileaks archive that show US determination to undermine Syria. One of the documents classified as Secret is found in the State Department Cables – Influencing the SARG in the END of 2006 - highlights US plans to take over Syria. These are critical documents that show that US interests in Syria are not humanitarian, as is claimed, but rather to protect US hegemonic interests in the Middle East.

The aim is not to keep them safe, but to keep the foreign policy and economic interests of the U.S. safe.

Undermine the Syrian government was the goal, and Roebuck had a plan on how to do it. The main points were about "the conflict between economic reform steps (however limited) and entrenched, corrupt forces, the Kurdish question, and the potential threat to the regime from the increasing presence of transiting Islamist extremists."

Excellent work @krnel and extremely valuable research!

Third Place (8 SBD)

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Exit Festival

by @palikari123

Last but definitely not least, another superb entry by our friend @palikari123 that focuses on the Exit Festival. This premier European music festival is highly acclaimed and has grown over the years to have several offshoots. The festival was started by student democratic movements in the year 2000, that push an agenda of social consciousness and political “change”. @palikari123 details how this seemingly benign event and others like it have been sponsored by organizations such as USAID, The National Endowment for Democracy and George Soro’s Open Society among others. These organizations have ties to social upheavals in numerous countries including the Ukraine and Syria.

it also explains how the main driving force of opposition was achieved through external forces, using local and grass roots efforts to obscure the external influences of material and economic support.

This piece not only highlights how the US openly interferes and aims to influence the politics of sovereign nations (see Russia-gate hysteria) but it also highlights how ‘soft power’ is employed to achieve strategic objectives aligned with US foreign policy.

Fascinating piece, and keep up the wonderful work!

Incoming Wikileaks Releases?

Early today, Deep Dives researcher and fellow steemian @fortified posted about the recent cryptic tweets from the Wikileaks twitter account.

Wikileaks | Quest of Random Clues

The excellent detective work by @fortified and others reveal that Data Centers / Clouds / Surveillance State are likely the focus of upcoming revelations. It also suggests that we could expect a new batch of Wikileaks being released soon, perhaps in the days and weeks to come.

If there’s a new release, @deepdives will be conducting a special edition research challenge open to anyone who wishes to join in. Keep a close eye on Wikileaks’ official twitter and official website in the coming days.


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Honored and excited! Thank you very much! I didn't catch all the entries, so I'm off to do that now. 😃

Congrats @geke and everyone on another excellent edition of deep dives. Great research as usual from all involved!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks buddy - congrats to you, too!

I totally agree, this was a great round and all of the entries were very well done. We have a small but very talented group of researchers here. Really happy with the quality of output. Cheers everyone :)

Thank you! Yes the quality is great and improving all the time. Now we just need a nudge in the numbers department and things will only improve further👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats on winning this one!!

All great articles! I hope we see more people writing DeepDives.

I think it will only grow soon.

I see people willing to write yet they don't, and that's odd ob a platform where everyone is writing. :-)

There is a very simple explanation for it...No matter how much we want to sugar coat it, a lot of people are unwilling to write on these topics, because they either think it's bullshit or they don't want to be associated with, or be branded as a conspiracy theorist from their own friends or relatives. They will gladly comment or read the material, but once you need to put your name to something, it's an entirely different proposal. 😉

I have an idea to fix that, I have to run past v4vapid today, one that may make this explode with information.

i had an idea in that direction as well. :-)

Congratulations to the winners, this is getting better every time, and also thank you kindly for the mention, most appreciated.

Great work all involved.

Awesome! Congrats to the winners. I've read the top 2 winners, I will go ahead and read the 3rd. Keep it up.

Wikileaks has so much information. How frequently do you run Wikileaks deep dives? Are you planning any "Local Employment Tribunal Records" deep dive?

Around every 3 weeks or so.

Congratulations to all the featured authors of @deepdives research challenge.

Congratulations to the winners. Getting article worthy info is a lot harder than I thought

I've realized that as well. I did a bunch of browsing their archives but was unsuccessful at coming up with something worth writing for.

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