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RE: Corruption - lies and deceipt, courtesy of wikileaks files.

in #deepdives5 years ago

Dear “Deliberator”,

The only corruption, lies and deceit on this post is you spreading fake news. I am the Treasurer of the World Sports Alliance. Notice I go by my real name on here and I dare you to do the same. I might get attacked as a result of this post, but I am not afraid because I have the truth and real facts on my side.

It’s unreal that people are actually congratulating you for spreading fake news courtesy of Wikileaks, whose leader is currently under indictment and has been hiding in an Ecuadorian embassy in London for how many years? Great sources you have there…

The sad thing is that you probably feel like you stumbled upon Al Capone’s vault and just like Geraldo Rivera, you opened a cryptic vault of emptiness. I was not with the organization when any of these contracts were signed, but I can tell you that NO MONEY EVER EXCHANGED HANDS. NOT ONE DOLLAR OF VALUE WAS EVER EXTRACTED. The President of World Sports Alliance went looking for money to finance the organization and this is what he came away with; contracts to finance minerals in war torn countries, that traditional western banks are very reluctant to touch. Why would he do that? NEWSFLASH: BECAUSE SPORTS PROGRAMS COST MONEY! Did it ever occur that there are other people who wanted those mining concessions and spread lies to stop WSA from doing those deals?

People who spread rumors and inuendo based upon Wikileaks false interpretation of these contracts, that you probably did not read and/or probably did not understand, make financing these things even harder. Did you read the part where we hire local? Or that the Govt. receives 45%-80% of any projects we participate into, in addition to tax revenues and job creation? Or that our organization is committed to sustainable practices and the environment? Your contribution helped people alright: to starve who WSA might have helped without this negative dribble on the internet. In the meantime, Chinese national companies continue to take over Africa, while leaving nothing behind except dirtying of the environment. They bring prison labor as opposed to hiring local and have no problem bribing people to get their way. Write about that!

Our organization was formed as a socio-economic mobility tool in partnership with UN-DESA, meaning our mission is to bring jobs and opportunity to people who have little to none. We use sports programs as a means to do this and have no official mandate as to how we do this. We also receive no funding from our member states. In order to finance the organization, we have to do Private-Public Partnerships and oftentimes we get the deals that NO ONE REALLY WANTS. One of the main challenges in legitimately financing assets in Africa are “fake news” articles like the ones you are promoting here. What bank or investor wants to be associated with anything negative? Answer: NONE.

In the last 2 years, despite all of the BS floating on the internet, I finally started to gain some traction and we are starting to finance the organization using solar energy farms. This is in line with our commitment to sustainability as per our charter, where we are officially committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. I personally worked for over a year, 12-16 hour days, with NO SALARY and even now the organization cannot afford to pay me what I am owed. This comes at a time when my wife and I have a newborn and my personal finances have suffered, but I believe in the mission, so I continue. The founding President of this organization is out his life savings of USD $10 Million and ruined himself financially because he believes in our mission. As we start to receive funds, you will see us do more for young people and the environment than anyone has ever done in the history of the world. And what have you done lately besides copy and paste false facts?

Before you go on the internet, and recycle garbage, you should really do your homework. Feel free to call me, as I am 100% visible on the internet, unlike some of the “crusaders” who think they are speaking truth to power, but really have no idea what the hell they are talking about. Myself and my member states, the majority of whom are locked out of traditional western sources of financing, thank you in advance.

Also, to any other would be “sleuths”, as I am now part of the organization, prepare to be properly sued if you decide to damage my organization with fake news because at a point, real people are being hurt. The only reason it has not happened to date is that we have not had the money; however, that is about to change.

On that note I ask any/all of you again, what sacrifices have you made for Africa lately? Poor people? Youth in general? Feel free to let me know because if you are sincere, we would love to hear from you and collaborate. As for the rest, I leave you to your important works, while hiding behind your keyboards. I would gladly debate any of you in real time and we can stream the broadcast on social media, so long as we can know your real identity. Deliberate that....

Best regards,

Asa Saint Clair
World Sports Alliance IGO

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