Series: Decentralization of Power, Farming, and How they Could Save the West (quick intro)

The West is currently undergoing some of the largest stressors that it has ever encountered; it will be lucky to survive the coming years in-tact. This series will explore how the globalist elites are attempting to dismantle civilization, and instead replace it with a perverted system of top heavy one world government. It's motive is rooted in greed, and power lust. Some of those elites truly believe they know what's best for everyone else; some are pure authoritarians who get their jollies controlling other people; some are purely in it for the wealth.

There are several types of people in this world: those who like to do/create, those who like to control, and those who like to do nothing.  The globalist elites know how to use all three, who often unknowingly are used as pawns in this scheme, to bring about what is colloquially referred to as "The New World Order."  The elites often are highly intelligent, in-fact, too intelligent.  However, it is my opinion that they are not highly spiritual.  I don't believe that many of them have practiced large sessions of introspective thought, and I don't believe they (on average) care very much about who has to have their standard of living reduced in order to achieve their endgame.  The ends justify the means (or so they think).

Those who do and create, often just want to be left alone.  We work day jobs, create works of Art, often until wee hours of the night, toiling and contemplating our works.  These folks are often found to be libertarian and conservatives, because we spend so much time creating value that it doesn't make much sense (to us) to have our value stolen at gunpoint.  Sure, a lot of us have had breaks in our lives, but we still strive to become better people (from within), and don't seek to do much controlling of other people.  We are the tax cattle, the slave labor.  

The exploitative class will often take advantage of the more creative individuals within a society by forcing them into paths which they would not otherwise choose.  For example: by forcing them to go and get a degree, and then charging them interest on the cost of that education; the ruling elites have now stranded an individual, as we often have to move where we have no social connections in order to pay back our debts; this individual is now stranded (emotionally) and simultaneously in debt. The exploitative class will also force people into big cities where they are overly dependent on subversion to social hierarchies, whereas people who live in smaller communities could be more autonomous and farm, mine, produce resources on their own.  Within cities, people are 100% dependent on other people; they have literally no ability to farm any of their own food, pump their own water.  They might work in a factory, but you cannot eat the products of most industry.

The class of people who want to do absolutely nothing can be leveraged against the productive class by stoking feelings of resentment, race-baiting, class warfare, and jealousy, just to name a few.  There are other ways that the non-productive classes can be leveraged against the more productive of society, but let's just focus on those for the purposes of this article. It is those traits, perceptions and actions inherent in human nature that are most often used to redistribute wealth.  This is why a pure democracy is absolute suicide for the west, in my opinion.  With the current welfare state, the least productive members of society are encouraged to multiply and then vote.  When we are paying the lesser contributing members of society, that fundamentally changes the genetic pool of a society to favor inherited traits of being unable to support offspring, and the cycle repeats itself.  Then, the mainstream media (controlled by the exploitative class) spreads messaging encouraging the poor to vote for more welfare, steal from the productive members, because it's their (the productive class's) fault they're poor.  But in reality, they're just pawns in a power grabbing game, designed for the ends mentioned above. 

The most basic human needs are food, water and shelter.  These needs could all be met living in smaller communities and extra resources can be generated by the more crafty land owners.  I know that if I had a huge plot of land, I could make a helluva lot of tomato sauce for society.  Currently, I have a very small plot of land, and I am growing more food than I know what to do with.  Humanity could best survive in a decentralized system which spreads the burden across large swaths of land.  Food, water, and shelter are all readily available in many parts of rural America.  The one drawback to living in the country is a lack of friendship; I won't claim that the internet is a replacement; it is not, but it can help us stay connected in a more independent future.

The productive members of society can create an autonomous future for humanity, at the expense of those who want to steal, and those who want to control.  This is one of the main reasons that I think there is a big push to drive humanity into big cities.  In the 21st century, many of us could work in technology, engineering, programming, from rural locations and also contribute to the greater good of humanity by designing software and tech that would help bring more value out of the land.  But this would mean more decentralization, and harder work, with the payoff being ultimate freedom and a smaller burden on the land.

Have you ever lived in a big city?  The rights and responsibilities of the individual are often absolved to the good of the collective.  This might have been useful in the beginning of the industrial age, and when telecommunications were not available, but I will argue that it will become somewhat of a detriment to our earth, as we move forward.  Big cities are heavily polluted, there is often less of a sense of community and everyone is just trying to climb to the top by licking the boots of those above them.  This structure is exactly what the elites want, because they want everyone answering to some authority to climb the ranks, instead of creating value in order to climb the ranks.  Additionally, there is extra pollution.  People use plastic bags and just throw them out the window; there is trash everywhere; waste is rampant.  This is because there is plenty to go around, and since no one person can be blamed, there is less a feeling of personal responsibility.

It is possible that in the future, we will have technology which brings about an age of abundance; this is even more reason that power needs to be decentralized.  In the age of abundance, the little guy is going to get the chicken bone scraps, while the ultra wealthy will feast upon more breast and wine than they can consume (so to speak).  If we create incredibly useful and productive technology, this technology would be better used in a decentralized society.  That way, everyone gets what they contribute, instead of what is handed to them by AI or the elites.  If we have the technology to bring about an abundance, allow farmers to use it sort of like that old game "sim farm" to intelligently farm their own land.  We could have farmers with mass swaths of land using technology and perhaps low level AI to intelligently analyze potential routes for crop production.  I'm thinking something similar to augmented reality, where the farmer could scan the soil for nutrients, and then intelligently plant crops based upon that.

In order for such a utopia to be possible, we must resist the urge to control other people, and instead urge the change come from within.  We must resist unjust authority.  We must demand our rights to remain autonomous, and keep the fruits of our labor.  The coming technological advancements could be a blessing, or a curse, it all depends on how we use them.

(This article is just a quick teaser, brainstorm)
The next article I intend to explore religion, demographic division, and conquer class warfare.


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