in #decenternet6 years ago (edited)


The world we currently live in is one that allows organizations to control the available data on the internet and they as such affecting what people see, feel and hear. This internet has gained so much power and it seems to affect every area of the human life but people do not really care to ask about those who are the controllers of the internet.

Intermediaries who are monopolistic in nature, are the ones who control most of the data that is seen on the screen which has enabled them to acquire massive wealth over time.
The individuals who make use of the platform are as well placed at risk at every time which then provides wealth and power to very few people and that is the reason why liberty has to be reclaimed by having a decentralized internet.

Decentralization also solidifies deeply the mission for true decentralization of the internet and this will be done by guaranteeing the security and the performance of every running node which runs hosted decentralized applications.

peer to peer


The initiative to the decenternet will pacify the reason behind the suffering on the planet without apportioning of blame, without victimization and without separation.
This project will go beyond the boundaries of the blockchain technology and the infrastructure of the internet.
The decenternet solution will tackle the following challenges, this will allow humanity to earn the title of the advanced civilization:
• The first issue is with the proliferation of a decentralized infrastructure that will provide access to limitless sources of information for the good of the public which is backed by a performance-driven dApp architecture.

• The second is with neutralizing the back attempts as this will limit the basic rights and freedom by the protection of free speech and the neutrality of net through the use of libertarian technology, this will be instead of fear, violence, blame as well as separation.

• The third is with the replacement of the current monopolized internet infrastructure as a system for establishing a super high-speed, non-cosmetic physical decentralization of storage and data retrieval.

• The fourth is with the establishment of a non-inflationary as well as well as a transparent crypto economy that has a solid foundation based on a currency that has an appreciating intrinsic value that will be backed by most valuable resource available on the planet.

• The fifth is a gradual redistribution of an ever-growing estimated minimum amount of about $3 trillion US which is capitalized by the internet data market usually withheld by the ISP cartels and the intermediaries who are experts in the delivering of contents to the rightful owners.

• The sixth is the decentralization of the present centralized mining activity and the political power in the crypto economy.

• The seventh is the liberation of a suppressed technology which is usually withheld by the middlemen.

• The eight is the liberation of mankind.

Secured internet


It is necessary to realize that we live in a current space and time where we are given a basic control of the things we think, believe and feel.
There is a version of the earth which has an establishment of prosperity and stability and this is regardless of what the media which happens to be manipulated wants people to believe, the mind is the first thing to vote with, to enable realization.


So many of the cloud storage and the dApp based on the blockchain fail to provide a solution for effective scalability and consumption by the masses.
Explained in other terms, these things are only as good as good as a hard disk which contains personal pictures and videos as well.
Below are some of the listed differences between decenternet and the p2p decentralization solutions:
• The previous attempts aimed at decentralizing the internet still relied on a centralized storage enterprise which creates a scenario where the mining of incentives are handed out to the companies who originally created the problem of centralization.
• Decenternet web application will enjoy a hyper-speed data which will render support to miners. The Osiris browser will allow navigation through a decenternet website and other traditional websites.
• The availability of the Anuvys OS will be able to strike the heart of the problem that threatens the security of the freedom of a person.
• Spyce can only be produced through the activities of mining and it happens to be the essence of trade and commerce on the Decenternet.
• The mining of spyce offers a valuable service to the global community, unlike the traditional crypto mining. This helps to sustain the Decenternet by processing of the POR protocol which is required to support and validate the management of data.
• The production of spyce will require only a certain fraction of the amount of energy required in the traditional mining of crypto which makes it environmentally friendly.
• It is important to bear in mind that, decenternet is an information sharing network which after it attains a certain level of awareness and support, the proliferation becomes inevitable and this is as a result of its fungi-like behaviour.
The vision of decenternet will be able to unity separated technologies into a platform that is user-friendly and as well as the interest of the users at heart.


Decenternet does not belong to anyone and it as well does not owe anyone any obligation to earn any ad money to any individual or organization because it happens to be a self-sufficient and a self-funded system which is supported by the spyce mining crypto economy.
On decenternet, the value of the content depends on the number of published contents as well as emotional engagement, the total number of unique views, relevance, stickiness relevance, the total number of built links as well as the total number of requests from the users of Decenternet to nodes.


• The first thing is the emotional engagement (E) which is a measure of how much the engagement of a content is received through interactive emotional indicators on the decenternet.
• The next is the view count (Vc) which is the number of time a content was requested for a specific day.
• There is always a unique view count (Vu) which happens to be the number of available views in a day.
• The next one is stickiness (S) which is the average time in seconds when a visitor stayed consuming the content or page or website.
• Relevance (R) which depends on the level of transparency the search engine ha with its algorithms.
• The next one is the Linked (L) which simply refers to the number of times the content was mentioned or referenced in Decenternet.


The Decenternet will effectively allow humans to be able to create energy which will become a usable currency on its own, the only difference is that instead of it to be called a human creative energy, it will be called spyce.
In the economy of spice, education and cooperation will be much more lucrative than ignorance and destruction.
Decenternet proposes a vision, which has created as the driving engine of the society instead of fear.


There are different factors that can trigger the mass adoption of Decenternet, the mass adoption of Decenternet has a perfect timing due to the imminent and the issue as well has been brought to the attention of great influencers at the right time.


The decenternet team has planned to build the first practical application on the TrustNet for the basis of mass adoption, the Blocktube which happens to be a more dynamic P2p video Media Hub which will belong to the people.
Blocktube will be a media platform which will allow individuals to create and share videos with their audiences for financial compensation.

The streaming speed for Blocktube is much faster than the process of data retrieval from a traditional monopolistic data pool and this is because blocktube’s data will be directly fetched from the Decenternet mining network.

Decenternet uses the liberty search engine

The native decenternet search engine is the liberty search engine. This search engine is basically designed to fulfil a simple purpose which is speaking the truth.
Liberty search engine does not suppress the growth of human process.
The architecture of Liberty is built on an open-source ElasticSearch which will collect and store information on websites and contents which are in and out of the Decenternet.
The team has also decided to develop Liberty on Elastic search technology based on the following standards:
• Scalability.
• The presence of the open source.
• The availability of a large community.
• A user rest API.
• A properly documented platform.
• The distribution of environmental support.
• The availability of a good search.
• The presence of a full-text search support.
• A reliable system.
• The presence of easy management.


Decenternet would create a realm which is magical and dream-like, with a higher version of reality.
With the high number of internet users every day, there are factors to be considered:
What if the musician you love so much is kept away from success because of the internet which happens to be the only WWW propagated by the presence of a middleman?
What if your personal information on the internet is exploited and used?
What if the current internet does not deserve being called the ‘’real one’’?
What about the real internet could be hosted by the available resources on your personal computer?
What if everyone could have wealth distributed to them with the presence of an environmentally friendly mining and a currency that has its intrinsic value appreciating.
The big reality is for this to happen by the year 2020, which is something that can be actualized, the best thing that can happen to a man is to be given the right to a free life on the planet without any violence or war at all.
Decenternet happens to be the blueprint, leadership and the technology for the next generation of internet users.


In order to achieve the reality of having a truly decentralized internet, the components such as the storage, cloud OS, web server, media servers, desktop and mobile and domain name system (DNS) must be a decentralized one which will be able to support the contents to be distributed.

Decentralized planet


Intermediaries who happen to be the owners of the traditional centralized internet infrastructure know all that they need to know about a user, the process of data collection might be for a commercial purpose, but the careful analysing of the data collected could pose a substantial risk which will hand over the control over the population to a very few people.

Most of the available solution to the blockchain, which is designed to provide more freedom and prosperity to the people will not be actualized until a deal is stricken directly at the heart of the beat.
Anuvys OS has a lot of amazing potentials, which means it can protect users on the web, users can as well gain access to Decenternet without the use of Anuvys OS, and this can be done by making use of the Osiris browser on a multi-boot by default.
This as well implies that there will be no need to stop the usage of windows for gaming and the use of Anuvys OS for every other purpose.


Android and IOS have been able to conquer the market for mobile operating systems for years now and this is as a result of high-level of compatibility and support on the mobile applications.
Hermes is an open-source mobile OS which is aimed at supporting the establishment of a mobile application development ecosystem which is secure, transparent, and secure and it promotes every other inclusive crypto economy.


It is no news that in order for a blockchain solution to become achievable, it will have a proper governance model set in motion.
Most available solutions do not stand due to lack of proper funding, participation, leadership as well as support from the community and that is the reason why a governance model has been accepted and the decision making authority is divided among every other form of contributors.
These five important group of contribution include the development team, spyce holders, the miners, the users will always hold 20 per cent.
The decenternet will apply decentralized voting hierarchy for miners and this is to be able to push new developmental agendas and the feature of the decenternet core.


With the presence of a humble mind, the team has an everlasting craving for the search for the implementation of a better solution.
Contributors from all forms and categories are welcome to join and support as well.
The team has taken their eyes off the challenge and they have decided to dive into a world of adventure filled with a constant supply of unimaginable bounties.

You can go through my previous blogs on Decenternet, you will surely enjoy an journeying the world of DNet.

Decenternet; Giving You The Decentralized World You Solely Desire

Decenternet; The Bitcoin Solution

Decenternet review- The Blockchain Revolution

Decenternet; A Review About The Dnet Team

Décenternet; pour un monde décentralisé que vous désirez uniquement (French)

Decenternet is supported by ARPANET
Feel Free to visit
Decenternet whitepaper
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Decenternet is what the world needs at this current age.. It's the solution to many of our problems.. Thanks for sharing @gbenga

That's true. We are in a decentralized world and decenternet is bringing internet freedom and net-neutrality.

Well description of decenternet,and i was really most important to know through everyone,and thank you@gbenga to tell us about it,we should think about it🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦


And hello i am @akashsagar ,thank you again

@akashsagar, Decenternet is an awesome project with the answer to your needs regarding internet privacy and decentralization.

Thanks for stopping by






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