BeyondBitcoin Whaletank #222 - 02-09-2017 DECENT transcript of @precise

in #decent7 years ago


I found out that @precise and @tjpezlo are, like me, interested in bringing some of the features of Decent closer to us Steemians. It would be great if we could host or songs, videos and ebooks to name a few on a decentralized blockchain and those who would like our music, videos or ebooks could post about them while linking to our work.

Even better would be if we would automatically get part of the author rewards since those users essentially marketing our work are not authors but rather, curators!

So I encouraged @precise to come and talk on the Whaletank and he did! He did not want me to link his recording on YouTube but I had to in order to get (semi) automatic (editable) transcriptions. Therefore I unlisted the video rather than make it public to partially, fullfill his request. He didn't come back to me on this so I hope he is ok with this. I found his talk to be fine but I can imagine him not being comfortable with it.

Nevertheless I think it is great to find peers and I trust everything will turn out well :)

Here is @AppleCrisp talking (in my place because I was traveling) about Decent after @precise:

@precise talking on the Whaletank about Decent


@officialfuzzy: So with that said I will go ahead and I will step back and I will say @precise from Steem Philippines feel free to step up and talk a little bit about you project with Steem Philippines and what's going on in that community. I'll use this point in time while we wait to just really quickly let everybody know that if you have a whale that you think might be a good Community Builder that would help with the whale tank and be a great member of the whale Council? I am very interested in taking some time to work with some peaceful tools maybe making it so please let me know.

@bambam808: hey first can you hear me better now? Had to switch microphones.

@officalfuzzy: Oh much better.

What's the definition of a Whale in terms of Steem power?

@bambam808: I was asking what's the definition of a Whale in terms of Steem power? So when you say Whale how much Steem power do you need to have for that?

@officialfuzzy: Well right now until we have the whale trails I'm looking at 50 K or above. And we want to ask for two percent of those tokens so we can upvote the updates and stuff like that. Because we're gonna have like a statistics post every week or so.
And we're gonna vote that with all the different accounts to show it with the tokens. And kind of represent the entire community show various statistics and maybe iterate on that over time. And that'll also payout to the developers who are working on it. But 50 K is what I would look at as being something that we can work with. Until at least until Whale trails comes. Then maybe 50K based on the Steem power that's backing a whale trail coin, if that makes sense?

@bambam808: Yeah I this is a general question not in terms of Whale shares but just overall. You know you hear the term Whale come on around so much, I was just wondering was what was the standard definition.

@officialfuzzy: yeah I would call 50 K like a baby Beluga.

@bambam808: Got it thanks.

@officialfuzzy: yeah no problem.

@precise's introduction

@precise: Hi everyone hope you're having a great day. I'm from steempH, steempH is the community based in the Philippines and we've got this new exciting project that we've been working on. Just a few weeks from this month.
So what we were doing is basically mutually cohabiting DECENT files and Steemit. So we've got a huge pool of talented people in the Philippines who're already active on Steemit, posting articles, good quality content, blog, and we wanted to step up a bit and use the incentives and my basic monetization system Steemit to also build up videos, music, software and digital content. And when the Decent blockchain was introduced, end of last month, we saw an opportunity to actually use that platform and merge it with Steemit. So at the moment when we want to post videos or want to promote artworks we post it in Steemit post but with external links. So what we thought of doing is, instead of extracting or instead of hosting those artwork so instead of posting those digital contents, we want to publish it on the DECENT blockchain.
Which is has the same algorithm like Steemit which is based on the Graphene software. And what we wanted to do: is we want to benefit both creators and consumers but by deploying this digital content on the Decent blockchain and then incentivize both creators and consumers who consume this digital content. So as of now we're just expanding and were inspiring, we're growing our community to basically introduce these two platforms that we can we can integrate into one. So yeah as I said this is a work in progress and we were under on the early stages of this project. Currently I'm working with @tjpezlo who's been active on Steemit and who has been promoting this project and also building up the community of steempH as well. Yeah so if if any one of you guys have questions feel free to ask them.

@officialfuzzy: So you're using DECENT as anothe platform where you actually hold the content and then you're also posting it to Steemit? Is that how it's working?

@precise: Yes that's what we are envisioning it to be. Hosting the files, digital content on the DECENT blockchain and then posting it on Steemit. But we while hosting it on the Decent platform we aim to: so let's say if I post digital content on Steemit: every upvote or every incentives that you get from that post will also be shared with the contents on the Decent blockchain.

@officialfuzzy: Is it going to be something where you have a tool, that it allows you to do this easily? Or is it something that you guys are just going to do manually like as a team? Or how's that work? @precise: We're building on on integrating both chains so at the moment we are looking at... I'm talking to the developers of the DECENT blockchain if this is possibility of doing it. But the full path for this would be the one that you just said we will be doing it manually. But the overall or the future vision for this project is to have a mechanism wherein you can do it automatically; upload you stuff on the Decent platform and then you can even readily post it on Steemit.
So we are on the works of building that mechanism; integrating both platforms.

How much does it cost to host on Decent?

@officialfuzzy: @CM-steem is asking: "last time I checked it was very expensive to store multimedia on DECENT, will it cost money to mirror Steem content to Decent?

@precise: Well to be.. honest the Decent platform is still a work in progress, I mean people who are seeding...
this is based on IPFS by the way aka interplanetary file system. So people who are seeding files can can determine how much per megabyte they are willing to to host those files. So it would depend on the seeders. Us at the moment they are actually building on the seeders community. So the more seeders that they'll have the cheaper the price would be. The last time I checked the cheapest ones are.. you get 10-something Satoshi's for one megabyte of data stored in the platform for for a whole month. So some of them as well are doing free hosting and yeah it depends on seeders and it depends on of the [early] adopters of the platform. So if the DECENT platform would actually have that vision of building on the community of Steemit and also building the community of the Decent platform supporting both the seeders of the publishers of the files and also the creators of the files.
Compared to the kind AWS or Google o YouTube. Compared to these hosting hosting platforms, Decent is fairly cheaper from compared to these hosting.

@officialfuzzy: Really quickly one of the questions that I really like to ask the people were joining up to these hangouts: how do you see beyondbits helping you and how do you plan to use them? @precise: At this early stage we want to get as much promotion, as much audience that we want to reach.
And so the project itself will get traction by the time we implement. Or better can we finish on the beta application for this. And also we want to encourage and inspire our own community that these things are possible. So they will be. It's also a tool for us to inform the community that these are the projects that we're building on. And then in orde for us to do that the Whale Shares could help us promote this stuff on Steemit. And to be honest development for this for now we were doing it out of our own pockets. So the money that we will generating from this will support the development of this project as well.

Synergy between chains

@officialfuzzy: We're gonna have to talk a little bit deeper about this offline because there's a lot to this. But I really love the idea of creating synergy between chains. This is really going back to the almost kinda like the merged blogging idea, right? Where you have various different communities that you can earn on. And they compete against platforms like YouTube using these tools that we have called crypto currencies, right? We add our own economic layer essentially.
And what you're doing is, you're talking about working with them already. That's something that we have been talking about in some of our private discussions, about leveraging these other chains. So I would love to talk to you and I would love to consider helping fund some of this. Now out of curiosity what do you think would it would take to fund it? Have you looked into any of that?

@precise: The business side and ecoming side of it; we haven't really sat down and and pin down the details of this. As I've said this is the early stage of this project.
We'll have a discussion of this with the core group of Steem Philippines. Yeah so we haven't been down that the details for this project in terms of the economics and in terms of the roadmap. Well the roadmap is clear but in terms of the funding, the details of each phase of this project is not yet on paper.

@officialfuzzy: If anybody has any questions now's the time to feel free to do so we have a few minutes left ove for that. @SteemPowerPics asks: you are @precise? You were part of connecting steempH group with Descent and Steemit?

Merge Decent and Steemit?

@precise: We had actually a very in-depth discussion with this together with the with a friend @tjpezlo though who's not here.
We have quite a number of Steemit users in the Philippines and we don't want them to switch to another blockchain and then and then compete with Steemit. So we thought of this project to merge both.
These projects have both good ideas and we will just nitpick on them and then integrate them and then capitalize on what's good, and what's good on each chain.
So yeah that's what we're doing. We're merging both blockchains and then fo for betterment I guess.

@officialfuzzy: Let's see was that question for him? @precise: Yeah to answer @CM-Steem DECENT doesn't market issues of Graphene more? I've been talking to the developers of the Decent.
I guess it's because they're just they're in there doing projects as well that they don't want to spoil what they're doing? And yeah I guess they're also in the works of maybe the NDA's of DECENT and have prevented them to sort of market these kind of views.

@officialfuzzy: It'll be very interesting to me because from my perspective you would want different people using Graphene to be kind of talking togethe and forming you know a group of people who who kind of are experts in their own spheres of Graphene. And that's really one of the places where I wanted to take this stuff and what we're #beyondBitcoin is meant to go. Quite literally because delegated proof of stake can take us beyond Bitcoin it can actually be used in a way that helps us by leaps and bounds to create these things called DEX's and DAP's and DOA's. Which are just all pretty much very similar in terms of the constructs to help communities and empower them using the blockchain in their own, some economic use cases. Some not so I would say that I'm very interested to see a little bit more about the synergy and I would love to talk to you behind the scenes. But I would we love also to hear a little bit more about how much it would cost to work together now. I'm not against competition or any of that stuff I'm really in a place where I think we can form synergies between many chains. So it's call it collaborative competition like Dan Robles likes to say. It's something that we can look at and I'm very interested in seeing what happens with DECENT. I really do wish that they would say stuff about using Graphene though. I mean it helps people more than hurts them.

@precise: Yeah I totally agree and I think it's because of the political aspects of this. And it's it's quite saddening to say the least because it prevents us to be more creative and more productive in terms of development. But it's it's how how they do things.
I mean Steemit cannot market decent as the same way as Decent cannot market Steemit. But I think there's that opportunity that we can do have as you say collaborate in not in a in a competitive way.

@officialfuzzy: Yes, well since we are at a point where the 15-minute mark has been reached, I will quickly just remind everybody that there is the ability; if you have a token that is traded on the bitshares DEX for your project o whatever you're doing. We are willing to give you extra time in these hangouts if you leverage those to share drop on the guest lists of the people who'll join these hangouts. So please consider the opportunity to make your own tokens and bring your own value propositions to them over time. And distribute them to some people who actually might be interested in doing something with them and using them to bring and then bring value into them. Sharing is caring and getting people on board. And owning some of you tokens is a valuable way of building things and creating the synergy that humans can create. And that's what we want to really cover here. So I appreciate you bringing everything up.

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