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RE: My Mom's Cancer is Terminal

in #death7 years ago

Have you seen The Burzynski Documentaries, "Cancer is Serious Business" and "Cancer Cure Coverup"? Essentially, there have been more than 20 attempts to revoke this one doctor's medical license, with each attempt (the most recent being in March of this year, 2017) failing miserably:

"the Judges found that they failed to prove 99.996% of the charges against Burzynski, while proving 0.004% of the charges."
-Excerpt from verdict of March 3, 2017 trial

Allegedly, he's been synthesizing a protein that has cured extremely advanced stages of cancer since the 80's. When one considers that cancer is a multi-trillion dollar per year industry, it's hardly a surprise that nobody is "curing" it, and that if this doctor is legit, he poses as much of a threat to that great cash cow as cannabis poses to the cash cows of big pharma/cotton/alcohol & tobacco, etc.

I don't know what it would cost you to get your mom to Texas, or to have him ship the medicine to your hospital (last I checked he was allowed to ship internationally but not to other U.S. States outside of Texas--per a garbage FDA ruling.) But you may wish to watch the documentary in any case, if only for the stories of affected families.


Should just break down and hug her, risking breaking her down?


"If there's one thing that's real clear to me
no one dies with dignity
we just try to avoid the elephant somehow."
-Jason Isbell

Listen to full song here

The greatest gift you could give her would be having the strength to let her break down, and to share in her crushing sadness. Nothing would be stronger, or braver than not letting her feel alone in such an extremely isolating experience.

All my love to you both in this. F*ck your assessment of this post "not being great". Thank you for sharing.

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