Saying Goodbye

in #death6 years ago

On Tuesdays morning, my sister in law Liz passed away. Some quick back story on Liz. She’s been in my life for around 27-28 years. She was my sister Marcia’s best friend. The two were thick as thieves and got into all sorts of trouble together. Liz didn’t care what you thought. She was silly, funny, vibrant, and beautiful. Growing up, she was basically a sister to me...even in my crybaby years when I used to rat them all out for drinking in the garage. She was always good to me.

My brother Pat always said throughout high school that he was going to marry Liz. Strangely enough, although he is not the most reliable human in the world...he stuck to his guns on that and the 2 were wed in November of 2007. Together they had a son, Henry who is the sweetest 13 year old kid around.


Fast forward to last night while I was at the wake. I was watching my brother in a constant fog and daze which is to be expected. He keeps crying. Wiping it away. Conversing for a few with people coming to pay respects, kneeling next to his wife in a casket, and then plopping himself on the chair to stare at the photo slide show. Over and over for several hours. Henry seemed “ok”. I don’t think it’s hit him fully yet. It did break me a bit to see him keep going up to see his mom and laying his head on her. I don’t know what he was saying but it was tough to watch as it happened a few times.

I feel bad because I hadn’t shed a tear for Liz up until last night. It’s not that I wasn’t sad or didn’t love her because both of those things were and are present in me. I just don’t think it hit me until last night. I went up to say goodbye and pay my respects and I suddenly lost it. I held her hand and my eyes turned into faucets. I don’t even remember what I said but in that few minutes, I was inconsolable. It finally hit me that she was gone.


Now in recent years, Liz had a plethora of health problems. Life wasn’t the easiest and I hate to say the ol’ cliche but here it least she’s not suffering anymore. I hate that thought process but there is a hint of truth to it. Instead of thinking of her as sick though, I’m going to think of her the way I knew her best. That fun loving girl that was always there. She practically lived with us. She was my sister Marcia’s sidekick and my brother’s partner. She was basically another sister to me growing up. That’s how I’m going to choose to remember her.


I told ya my sister and her...thick as thieves...



I have to get ready for the funeral now. I couldn’t sleep and figured I’d try to write to clear my head a bit. Sorry if this was all over the place and kinda a messy post. I hope my brother can find the strength to get through this. That my nephew will be ok. I hope those close with her can find peace.

Rest well Lizzy. Love ya.


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Super refreshing. Thank you.

Omg man I'am so sorry to hear of this terrible news, this must be incredibly hard to understand for your little nephew may you and your family find the strength to somehow get thought this, all the best @blewitt

Thank you brother. It’s a shitty situation. Not much else to be said besides that. I do appreciate the kind words though. Much love brother.

I'm so sorry to hear that @blewitt.

Sending you and both families lots of love and a big hug . 💙

You are a rockstar Gillian. Thank you so much. ♥️

I know I’m sorry just doesn’t cut it here.. but where words fail love prevails. I’m sending all the love my soul can muster to you and yours... you all will be in my thoughts. Your nephew and brother have you, and you will help them find strength by just being the insanely amazing person you are.

You are right though, she’s not suffering anymore.. she’s in a better place.. it’s those left behind that now at left with a piece of their heart missing. But as you say.. you get to remember who she was.. and the love she added to your lives.. and in time that alone will make it easier.

I’m sorry brother ❤️

I’m very lucky to have so much love and support from you all here. I’m ok. I really am. I’m obviously upset and have had my moments but overall, I think I’m handling it a lot better than expected. Of course I miss her and I feel awful, but I think my concern for my brother is what’s really ailing me. My nephew is doing ok. It’s my brother who is just at a complete loss and is in an extremely vulnerable position. I hope he can find the strength to somehow rise above the absolute shock and pain and learn how to properly heal.

Much love to you. You are much appreciated and an absolute blessing to have in my life.

I'm so so sorry to read this. It's tough to see someone suffer that much, and there's a lot of mixed feelings between knowing she won't suffer anymore but knowing how much you('ll) miss her. I wish you lots and lots and lots of strength <3

Thank you my dear. Very sweet words. Yeah it was a tough day but we made it through. The hardest part for me was not saying goodbye to Liz which was emotional and challenging, but watching my brother just fall to pieces. So brutal.

Wish I could give you a hug right now - hope you'll find ways to support your brother through what he needs <3

I would gladly accept one of your lovely hugs about now. ❤️

Can I join the hug-train?

Sorry man, this is some really harsh happenings following a great week. Keep the family strong, I'm confident you can.

All aboard!!!!!

Yeah, not that there is ever a good time to have these types of things happen...but a total switch from riding on a high in what was one of my best weeks in ages, to a horrific one all within the blink of an eye. That’s the bummer of it.

Sorry for you and your family's loss and in time it will get easier of course. The time you all shared together can never be taken away. Thoughts are with you.

Yeah the Memories will live on forever. We all shared some laughs today at the luncheon. Even her own sister cracked a really brutal joke to me that applied in a horrible way. I laughed and felt bad but knew Liz would absolutely approve.

Much love brother.

I am sorry man, be there strong for your brother and specially your nephew. Good vibes from Panama.

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Thanks so much Carlos. Truly appreciate you reaching out. That is why I love this community.

I am so, so sorry, man ❤️ I feel so awful right now and I really hope you find the strength to go on and feel better soon. I know it's a cliche, but stay strong ❤️

Thank you baby. Appreciate it. It’s cliche but it’s what is said during times like these. Nobody knows the right things to say. Hell, I don’t even think there is a right or wrong thing to say in these times. I think the simple fact that someone even reaches out is tremendous and speaks volumes in itself which is fantastic and much appreciated.

It would be much easier if there was a way to send someone a hug, you know? <3 A hug would express everything I mean right now. <3

Just knowing that helps. I would totally devour one right now. Not gonna lie, but I get the sentiment and it’s noted and appreciated. ❤️

Sorry to hear about the loss of life of your sister in law.
May she RIP.

Hey brother. Thank you for the concern and kind words. Truly acknowledged and appreciated.

My condolences man. May her soul rest in peace.

Thank you Andy. She is definitely at peace now. It’s hard to swallow but we will learn how to cope and deal in time.

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