
You may have read my Steemit bio - Soft hearted foodie. Drinks too much coffee. Posts about food, restaurants, antiques and design. Listens to punk rock and lives in a cloud

Dear Steem Diary

You know me. I have always been a dreamer. In my Steemit Intro post I even wrote:

"About me. I'm a soft-hearted thinker. I spend a lot of my time up in the clouds, dreaming. I'm also one of those creative types. Not the freelance-sit-in-a-cafe-all-day-on-my-Mac type, but more the kinda girl who sees a rust coloured leaf and dreams up a whole collection of dresses inspired by said leaf. By the time I'm home, I'm onto the next thing. I should get a notebook, I know"

I choose to say dreamer. Others might say preoccupied, or even spacey. I don't like that one 😅

A few times I have I walked to the store, bought my goods, and walked out without my groceries. One time I walked into the wall (omg, how?!) and another into the power line in the street.

In the past, I know I was not paying attention to the current situation, I was thinking of something else, I was looking at the girl with the pretty hair, or getting lost in a story in my head

Do you remember my short story "Hope", where I wrote from two view points, a beggar's and a rich girl's? That stemmed from me driving past a young beggar girl, thinking of what it is like to be in her shoes, and day dreaming until I arrived home. I was incensed to put pen to paper, and out flowed that story.

That was a good result. Sometimes, I notice some bad results.

Lately, I have been noticing some very bad results. I cannot listen to someone speaking to me, because the info is not going in entirely. For work, the information sinks in. I think, that is because, I am on at work. The moment it's a social thing (and I mean a conversation with a stranger, not a friend), I think my brain is off and not taking in any more information for the day. SHOP CLOSED.

Last year, I had a problem finishing books. This year, I have been reading like a crazy horse, devouring each and every page like hay. I know this is because I have turned myself off from traditional social media and mind numbing crap on TV.

But in the past week, I can't get myself to pick up my kindle, and just read. I could hardly write a post last week. I am definitely preoccupied. I know what it is. I have worked every Saturday for a while now, and had little to no sleep last week, as we kept having break-ins at my shop. I also worked until midnight last week one evening, on my feet and being the smiley hostess lady.

An oversaturated brain is bad for the soul. It's bad for creativity. The moment I am rested up and not worried about work the words flow and the ideas pop. It's important to take a moment and go hoooooosah.

These Dear Steem Diary posts are therapeutic for me. I am so glad I started this series, it really gets the creative juices flowing, and I encourage you to also just write.

You'll feel more organised, like your shit is together. It's good.

So thank you for being there for me to get my brain straight. I love the feedback and look forward to intereacting with my Steem fam. 💜



Greetings, dear Miss Mew Mew

I really liked how you describe it when you say that you have a dreamy profile, which is very much in the clouds and is very creative. This kind of personality is very good for philosophical issues and art itself.

Talking with you should be an excellent experience. Today I also wrote a little about myself, but, it was about a day that went wrong :(

Thank you for sharing your dear diary with us and good night !!!!

This is so ME!!! From time to time, you need some rest my friend, and you just have to cut off from everything.
I found myself in some many parts of your post today, so I can feel you! But still, despite all, you need to relax and let it be some time!
Warm greetings from Mauritius my dear friend! Summer is here!!!

oh he is back! where have you been, I have missed you? How are you? I read that you were havin HR problems at work... I hope everything is sorted :)

Yeah.. I know I need to relax, but it's not the turning off from social media that is a problem, I can do that easily. I need to turn off from work too, and that is difficult when you are the boss. But my December holiday is coming and I am excited to have a whole month off. I'm going to die from excitement probably lol 😱

I'm soooo happy to be reading from you my friend! Oh yes, things have been quite difficult with my last employer, but I just decided to forget about this for now. I will share the full story, but later on!
For now all is good and I got back to work in my bistro! I'm having fun again, and some free time to write and read from you!
When you are the boss...hmmm it's always difficult in all situations!

Oh boy..... i am terible like that the last few months. A person could be talking to me and its just like I switch off completely. Have been working really hard to try improve this and stay engaged with the person comunicating with me but every so often it just catches me off gaurd and drops me in trouble. Persons name can almost never be remebered right after introduction and more so when chances are less of seeing the person again. But as luck has it the universe has the tendency to bring them around agian.

I am good at remembering names and faces, but actually staying cognitive during the conversation is a problem sometimes. or sometimes they are just boring 😅

In my job I am always ON. Like, hello, how are you, hahaha you're so funny kill me now

Writing is the best therapy, whether you keep it yourself, or even share it with others. In fact, sometimes the ideas that have passed and we have written, will be valuable again when we re-read.

Learning to write is learning about patience for many things.

Have a great day for you @princessmewmew

You are absolutely right. Sometimes it is even therapeutic x

Even the stars, sometimes we think they go out, @! Reading at times when you feel the world is too heavy is an excellent idea! But it's great if you can write down what you're going through. I know it's not easy, but if you manage to break down the blank page barrier, you've already won part of the battle. It's not about closing your eyes to reality or making yourself stronger, it's about knowing that in every piece you are you have the right to decide whether or not to get up. It is supposed that the one who wants to accompany you, the one next to you, will sit with you waiting for you to take a deep breath and say: Let's go on. All things have their rhythm! And there are days, weeks, in which we dawn in minimum. I like reading you.

hi Nancy! Yes, writing it down really helps. Sometimes I just open a page and type some words until a story starts to flow out. It's really therapeutic.

I can relate to a lot of what you say here
A few times I have I walked to the store, bought my goods, and walked out without my groceries. One time I walked into the wall (omg, how?!) and another into the power line in the street.

I have done that many times lOL

I think I have the opposite problem I do listen to people but am sometimes over thinking it or my mind races off on a tangent thinking what they will say next and some times I will reply to what I think there going to say and not what they said, fortunatly i must read people well and more often than not I get it right, and get a weird look of how did you know I was going to ask that LOL

I am glad these posts are good for you and you should keep doing them

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