
Hey Steem Fam. It's Wednesday again, good lawn, how did that happen?! This week in my Dear Steem Diary instalment, I want to talk about something strange that happened to me, and how it made me feel, and the thoughts that were generated from this happening.

Dear Steem Diary

You know me. I am enthusiastic, sometimes overbearing, but with good intentions always.

Last week, we had an old lady come into the store. She was a small, neatly dressed, slim little old lady, with neatly bobbed dark hair. Very polite to start with.

Now, let me set the scene. The shop was rushed and manic, it was just after we had received all of that new stock from the auction I spoke about last week, with encyclopedias strewn all over the floor, and the showrooms all in a jumble. We had tons of work to do, and there were people everywhere, bruising, as we call browsers. The phones (there are three) were ringing off the hook, and my colleague, Bambi, was juggling them and the bruisers while I helped Little Old Lady, and any other potentially serious buyers.

I was also expecting one of my VVIP clients in about half an hour, was reaching my 16th hour without food (intermittent fasting - tell you later), was buzzing on my too-strong-coffee. I'll admit it. We were scrambled.

I heard the phones ringing repeatedly and Bambi running around, and I knew she was in the deep waters. A delivery truck had just arrived and our three ton truck from our storage had also just pulled up to deliver more stock. I needed to help her. I excused myself from Little Old Lady, saying I'd be right back with the price for a lantern she was interested in.

I felt a wave of stress washing over me, as I saw the state the shop was in. The phone rang, and I went to answer. After I had dealt with that I saw a YUGE Bentley pull up and I knew my VVIP had arrived. I meant to go to Little Old Lady and introduce Bambi so she could take over, but VVIP walked in, and I had to greet her. How could I not?

After greeting her, I got completely swept up in helping VVIP, and I couldn't catch a break to communicate to Bambi that Little Old Lady needed assistance. Our store is massive, it is definitely not just a matter of catching her eye - she was upstairs, and I, down.

I am in the courtyard of our store, assisting VVIP, when I see out of the corner of my eye, Little Old Lady tottering out of the main building, and glaring at me with a deathly scowl. My heart sank when I saw her, and realised I had left her all alone in the shop. It's not my style, you know me, Diary. I am kind and caring, and attentive to a fault.

I excused myself from VVIP, and rushed over to Little Old Lady, who by now, was being assisted by Bambi. "So rude, I tell you! In the middle of service too," she grumbled at Marli.

"Oh, I am so sorry, m'am, I was trying to excuse myself to come ...." I started to apologise, gently guiding her by the arm towards Bambi (okay perhaps more of a steering motion).

❗️❗️❗️"DON'T TOUCH ME!" she squawked, roughly shoving my hand away. ❗️❗️❗️

"Okay, then, you old bat," I thought. "I won't".

"Sorry, Bambi will help you now. Goodbye."

I shakingly hurried back to my VVIP, who thankfully, had not seen this ruckus.

This had really unnerved me, and I was heading towards hour seventeen without food. I was rattled, and couldn't concentrate properly on my VVIP. Now. You know me. I am zen, unruffled, with my clients. Thankfully, VVIP and Mr VVIP are lovely, down to earth people who are easy to work with.

We had a moment where I just couldn't understand the dimensions and design VVIP was giving me, and I made a joke about being blonde, and we all just burst in nervous laughter, relieved to have something to cut the air with. From that moment, I was myself again - the unflappable Princess of all Mew Mews, and I could feel my clients relax again.

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This happening with Little Old Lady upset me, for quite a few reasons.

The way she swatted me away, like I was a fly, made me feel like scum. The lowest of the low. How could I, in my exuberant, slightly overbearing manner, try to rush her like that? I felt terrible.

How could she treat another human being like that? Here in South Africa, you sometimes see the older (and I mean, much older generation - 70's and older) being completely rude to black people in stores, and I always feel such pity and sadness when I see this.

It got me thinking how something like this can really affect your confidence. Imagine that this is the norm for you - you work in a crappy job, like a cashier at a supermarket, or a cleaner somewhere. Your husband/father/mother/sister snips at you all day. Perhaps you are used to being spoken to like this. How do you get up and sparkle every day without your confidence?

A once off occasion for me, I brush it off, after all, I am me, well; blonde, well spoken, bold and CONFIDENT. - no one speaks to me like that EVER.

I want to use this as an opportunity to encourage you to always be conscious of how you speak to everyone. Each and every person you interact with throughout day, is a human being, just like you and me. A kind word here, a thank you, how are you doing, won't go unnoticed.

I also want to thank God for my amazing family, who always build me up. My parents who loved me and told me I could be anything I want to be (LOL - ya, right!), who told me constantly, that I am worthy, clever and good, as I grew up. My husband who speaks to me in the kindest, most loving way. Lord, I am so blessed. Thank you.

Dear Steem Diary, all my emotions jumbled on this here page. I'll be back next Wednesday. Love you. Bye.

Queen of All Mew Mews.



I can totally understand being shaken up by that, and I agree with your thoughts of being treated like that on a daily basis, and what it would do to your psyche. I think many things in our cultures set up hierarchy of who is "better" than others, based on economic class, work, race, etc. All of that makes us more separate, instead of looking at each human as worthy, and every job as important.

Each and every person you interact with throughout day, is a human being, just like you and me. A kind word here, a thank you, how are you doing, won't go unnoticed.

YES! Big ((hugs))!

People can be really ignorant and selfish, don't upset yourself things happen plus you had an excuse with fasting, it really messes with my head too :)

Hey dear @princessmewmew in that days also with that grandma seems like a lovely and polite old woman, all we need is just a little patience!

Hey darling! 😀 intermittent fasting sounds really difficult. I would never sustain so much long without food! Big respect. Looking forward to see your post and experiences about this topic 👍✌️

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haha, it isn;t that bad once you get used to it

I am always amazed how people speak to other people, especially when I am at the shops and I see the way people treat or speak to sales help/cashiers/food staff. Also in restaurants, they must know they are going to get spit or worse in their food, yet people will go on being jerks to the 'help' as if they are just there for their whipping boys. People will never learn give out what you want to give back. Well, some will, I hope!

haha! true dat, Donna! Like, why? why is it necessary to be so kak!

I have to admit I could never work in front facing retail, people can be so derogative to store staff and it is really unnecessary. You made the best of a difficult situation and turned it all around so it came good in the end.

#thealliance #witness

yeah, it takes a special (special in the head) type of person to do this work. I must say that over the years I have honed my concerned voice, and my patience too. 😍

I agree we should be more cautious in our actions towards other but sometimes we do mistake of ideally expecting from other humans.

Not knowing you fully but my intuition says you'll eventually endure from this and become more stronger in personality

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