How much do you know about food: I invite you to know "The benefits of kale"

in #dclick6 years ago (edited)

Source: Pixabay

The kale plant is well known in much of the world, but how much do you know about it? Its scientific name is "Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L. "belongs to the plant group of the family" Brassicaceae "of the genus" Brassica "of the species" B. olearacea "It is more known by the name of kale, depending on the place where you live maybe you have heard it named:" Crescent cabbage, Portuguese kale, curly cabbage, Brecolera, Galician cabbage, dwarf cabbage, Scottish cabbage, forage cabbage, cabbage horse "


This vegetable is the appreciated of the farmers for its edible leaves, although it is cultivated in much of the world, it is more common to see it in its place of origin "Germany" Its cultivation is practiced in "Europe and North America" ​​its planting is very simple It is not very pretentious, it only needs that the cultivation area be cold.

Source: Pixabay

There are many varieties of kale, however the best known are
• "Mosbach"
• Great Green of Scotland
• ¨Semienana verde¨
• "Of Virtues"

The kale is widely used in the kitchen of international chefs, it is very versatile at the time of cooking because of its great ability to adapt in the cooking, you can eat raw, steamed, grilled, oven, pickled. It allows the preparation of hundreds of recipes, the Germans prepare the traditional recipe "kale with Pinkel", in the Netherlands they cook their usual "boerenkool stamppot" the Portuguese prepare the recipe for "green soup" the Spaniards appreciate it to prepare their traditional recipe "kale with potatoes and fried bacon"

Source: Pixabay

Salad with kale and black beans

Source: is

Pasta covered with kale


Tortilla with kale and young garlic


Rolls of kale and ricotta


Chickpea and kale stew


Roasted chicken and kale


Another very practical way to consume kale is through its juice, green juices especially this vegetable, is very beneficial for the health of our body, it is also easy to prepare and can be combined with fruit juices or other vegetables.


You should know that by consuming this vegetable, you are incorporating many benefits to your body such as healthy vitamins and minerals for your body.
  1. Fiber
  2. Manganese
  3. Calcium
  4. Copper
  5. Potassium
  6. Magnesium
  7. Zinc
  8. Vitamin A, B, B6, C, E, K.


The regular consumption of kale, in addition to receiving vitamins and minerals, is very beneficial for our health, its healing properties can prevent and fight many diseases, if you want to feel healthy, you should consider including the consumption of this vegetable in your daily intake.

Source: Pixabay

• Kale is the ideal ally for children and seniors, its "vitamin K" component, actively contributes to maintain and strengthen bones, nails and teeth.

• If you want to keep your heart healthy, it is essential that you consume this vegetable assiduously, this is possible thanks to its "Fiber" component that contributes to reduce "blood cholesterol levels", preventing "cardiovascular" affections.

• If you have afflictions related to the flu, you should consider including kale in your feeds, which makes it possible to prevent these diseases are its component of "vitamin C" its action of "antioxidant" contributes to reduce the "blood pressure" that It is also good for eye-related conditions.

Now that you know the benefits of the consumption of the "Cabbage" that you think, or how many times you will consume this wonderful product

• Once a month
• Once a week
• Once a day

If you want to know more about the medical and scientific specifications and the benefits that the consumption of this plant brings, you just have to enter the links that I leave below.


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Kale in Poland still serves more to decorate dishes than to eat. Thank you very much for your professional post. For me useful

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