What is the l0k1 doing, anyway?

in #dawn-network7 years ago


have been very busy indeed. Here are two web services I set up:



I did have a 'mattermost' chat set up but we have now moved to riot, this web address gets you there:


Dawn, Phase One

The way I see it is that Dawn's first blockchain is going to be @faddat's project 'glogchain'. It takes a different approach to Steem, the blockchain only stores references and the data itself is stored on distributed data stores, there can be comments and of course most of the new Dawn tokens will go to the authors winning the most votes. The payout scheme has not yet been hashed out.

One key objective is that all nodes capable of querying the database will themselves produce the webpage you see. After all, it is mostly node.js libraries loaded from canonical repositories, and our page fills in the details to get you the page.

For the more technically minded, this approach will be taken with all of the parts of the system, meaning simple URLs can produce queries from the database in a format that you can process with another application to produce an interface. By default there will be one that works with a web GUI framework it hotlinks to.

The first dawn currency will be built on the core of the basecoin component of Tendermint. We are digging into the code hard, but I expect a couple of months at least before we have a fully running chain.

My project

I have secured myself some relatively decent accommodations and I am busying myself learning how to code in Go and devising schemes for what I consider to be Phase Two of Dawn. I have designed a token ledger protocol that works both offline and allows even small clients to have high confidence in the accuracy of the ledger, by borrowing the model of real life coin marketplaces.

First thing I am doing is building a core, fallback type network coordination system built on Tor. Tor hidden services are similar cryptographically to bitcoin wallet addresses, and each address requires a node to possess a secret key, the address itself is a public key.

So, it is a network that has some pretty serious use cases these days, and it's not going away, and it's at least as good as the channel you can get through almost any firewall, to port 53, the DNS layer. This protocol is like this (in that it helps you find servers on the network), except it just distributes a database containing all nodes that are operating this protocol, and then on top of that I build a second layer that allows nodes to have other tags that associates them.

The objective is to create a utility protocol that allows the creation of a secure, anonymised global network connectivity system for distributed systems, and that then allows an application to claim an address space that all nodes of a type can find, with only one address from one active node.

This is small scale stuff, because I am very focused on getting these kinds of details right if they are going to become widely used. I should only take a week or two to build the node, and it will become a component of the total system, that I will build up piece by piece.


Simply, I am building a thing that allows the servers to find each other anywhere on the Tor network, and identify themselves as some particular type of server, part of that system's network.

Simply getting nodes together in distributed systems on the network can be very difficult. Really it is a use case that current business models don't have a lot of use for, but it is one that a lot of new business models can use (sharing economy).

My witness server

Currently, it is earning about twice as much as it costs, so I am leaving the witness running. I set my price feed at roughly hourly intervals from coinmarketcap, and right now it is a black box that I can depend on seeing a current price published and no missed blocks.


:) nice to see you with your sleeves rolled up and making some interesting and new concepts happen :) actually in a way you are like dan :D moved away to make something better, so in a vague way :D there is a relation

I hope one day we all use a "tor network"

Good to see - I was starting to wonder. ;) Do you still have your null email?

at https://steemit.com/@l0k1 you can see the details how to contact me. I definitely invite you to come visit the chatroom at https://chat.anisotropic.systems - it's actually a redirect to a riot chatroom, this new distributed chat system, sorta like for chat as tor is for routing.

Have you noticed how email is starting to be almost completely replaced by chat? I have been thinking about ways of doing authentication challenges. With a chat that is publicly viewable, you can have a chat with a bot on the chain that has been asked to authenticate you to create an account, challenge, response signature, and voila.

It also made me think about the glogchain - it is a series of references to files on ipfs, it would make sense to have a chat attached to it as well as the comment tree.

Anyway, back to coding the p2p service advertising system I am building.

The immediacy of chat is great and all... But I prefer the contemplativeness of email. Not to mention the interoperability.

are you sure that address doesn't work through tor? I'm kinda banking on doing RPC via tor... maybe latency but it's a single address space, nobody needs to register domains, etc, easy way to build a primary control channel for a swarm.

There is a node.js app you can run on linux as well. It basically works primarily with http/s connections query/return. This site and busy.org also work this way. The javascript is the app now, and it's running in your browser. If these ones work I don't see why riot.im would not. I don't see the point since it is via SSL and I intend my messages to be searchable.

You are nicely deep into the technology, maybe you can say something sensible about this:
What would it take, besides two hardforks and currency conversion transactions, to merge two cryptocurrencies? Can it be done?

I would like to call this kind of merging a "krof", before anybody else does. Or has somebody already?

One or the other would have to disappear, and there has to be a scheme by which the two chains are consolidated, yes, conversion operation, but, on the whole ledger. You would need to have an interim protocol where both sides trigger mirror transactions into the chain that will be the successor if it is on the stillborn twin...

But why do it. You can just make one chain a plugin added to the other chain, then it runs two chains. Then you can bind them together through some transition process. Then you can automatically convert in operations, you will now use the account system for the other chain, if any, to do this, and then you have one currency again.

Joining them together has a big consequence for the value of the successor in the process. Supply relative one to the other increases for both.

No why, just curious. I have that sometimes.
I'm not so sure about the value, though. Supply would be up, but things being bought/transactions also. Merging two currencies has been done in history, but didn't impact value much because demand kept up with supply because the user base also grew. Consider this I must.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63138.55
ETH 2579.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80