
Welcome to Tuesday, July 3rd which is a 3 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the 2 of Cups.

The 2 of Cups is about Love. It’s about self-love and the love for others.

Our society frowns on self-love. We tend to look at it as selfishness or narcissism. Selfishness and narcissism is not self-love. It’s insecurity. It’s saying to people, “Pay attention to me. Look at me. Worship me.” All because of our own self-loathing where we don’t have to look at ourselves too deeply. Self-love is saying that you have the capacity to love everyone without judgement, without conditions because you accept yourself the same.

Have you ever fallen in love with someone only to start hating them after a period of time? I have. Because of my own self-loathing I would seek out what was missing in me and put that person on a pedestal but the only problem with that is that they will never live up to what you’ve set them up to be in your mind.

When you start to love yourself the people you attract will be on the same vibration that you are and you will find that you will no longer ‘need’ anybody. ‘Need’ing is saying that you don’t have something. It took me a long time, but I think I’ve got it right now.

Where do you find yourself ‘need’ing?

Today’s energy of the 3 is the vibration of friendship, force and sacrifice for mankind. It’s about attaining inner peace so that you can grow and expand your energy to start attracting what you desire into your life instead of attracting what you think you need.

(Please follow my website: www.davidreedwatson.com. If you would like to set up a Reiki Session, Tarot Reading or get Personal Coaching, you can email me at [email protected])

Today’s song is ‘Teardrop’ by Massive Attack

“Love, love is a verb. Love is a doing word. Fearless on my breath.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #Cherokee #gvyalielitsehi #massiveattack #teardrop


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